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Everything posted by svpukha

  1. Hello everyone! My question is for macOS users. I'm using parallel both windows and mac for my pet projects with MariaDB hosted here. When using Javascript/NextJS etc. don't have any problems. Just started new project with Django, connected and fulfilled the DB using Windows everything was perfect, commited to github/ Then next day I took Mac and can't do anything after pulling from github. Restoring requirements it's another case, but after starting the django server i got such a mistake: django.db.utils.operationalerror: (2059, "authentication plugin 'mysql_native_password' cannot be loaded: dlopen(/usr/local/cellar/mysql-client/9.0.1/lib/plugin/mysql_native_password.so, 0x0002): tried: '/usr/local/cellar/mysql-client/9.0.1/lib/plugin/mysql_native_password.so' (no such file)"). Maybe someone can help me here... Solutions from internet not solving problem, like downgrading mysqlclient. And of cource I can't change authentication plugin 'cos I don't have permissions.
  2. Username: svpukha Domain: appway.pp.ua
  3. After moved to a new server I can't login to my account. Already tried to reset password, but it didn't help
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