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  1. Are there any news on this topic? Can I support otherwise in detecting the issue?
  2. Thanks for looking into the issue and "I am glad" you could replicate it. Right after the installation there were the following errors (just an excerpt, but the error codes repeat): Now, I have a similar error like you: And also some other error:
  3. This is a replication of the question in thread: Even after a complete reset of the account the situation stays the same. It is not possible for me to login to a completely new created Nextcloud account. However, I do not see any error messages. Again I tried both ways, via web-installer and Softaculous. Does anybody know what the issue could be? The settings are: installation path: /home/mangu.helioho.st/httpdocs/nextcloud data path: /home/mangu.helioho.st/private/nextclouddata database: MariaDB with localhost:3306
  4. Hi Helio team, I tried to install Nextcloud and it does not work. However, it worked before on the free account, but I deleted it and tried to install a new version. So I suppose some setting is wrong with the account. Can you please reset my account for the username "mangu". I am aware that this action is permanent, and there is no way to recover the deleted data. Kind regards, Carsten
  5. I tried to install Nextcloud per web-installer: https://nextcloud.com/de/install/#community-projects It seems to install all perfectly, but then I cannot login (I can just type in the user and password, click login, then the screen shortly flickers, but nothing happens), but there is also no error message. Afterwards, I tried to install it via Softaculous, but with the same result. Does anyone has the same issues or could imagine what could be the cause?
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