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  1. Hi, sorry asking again, could someone check my database access, I'm getting this message when trying to connect. Thank you!!! FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "prkduarte_prkd", database "prkduarte_VetNet", SSL encryption FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "prkduarte_prkd", database "prkduarte_VetNet", SSL encryption It was enabled yet Remote access enabled. host= port=5432 username=prkduarte_prkd dbname=prkduarte_VetNet password=<set in Plesk>
  2. Thanks, as I am starting, I'll get Mercury VPS for 6m, I wuold like to know if I loose the actual resources of my account, like database and storage available. Should I create a new account? Thanks in advance!!!
  3. Hi, everyone @Krydos is it possible to deploy a spring-boot application? tks
  4. Hi @Krydos I upgraded my account, I was PRKD and now I am PRKDuarte. I created the VetNet postgres database, could you please gimme external access do my database like it was for my PRKD account? By the way, you could remove the PRKD account, as I am using just the PRKDuarte. Database name: prkduarte_VetNet User name: prkduarte_prkd Thanks in advance!!!
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