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  1. don't change domain for now, I think it's good.and OK
  2. delete my account named: hafsasyeda957 as I don't need that now. .
  3. also please change my domain to sawalbaba.mooo.com on this account
  4. or If I use Nimforum , It's size is 94.7KB, Well, I think it might be a well software for this free Johnny PLAN. what would you prefer?
  5. sabzgunbad3 is my main account, I want to keep it. I want to start a community forum using Software Flarum. Is it possible to host a forum for 1000 visitors and members per day using heliohost on this johnny plan for startup then I upgrade pay-as-I-go. flarum is lightweight software of 43MB. it's lighter than wordpress
  6. I was having issue with my website. I was seeing 405 Errror Page. Server is in maintenance down or something, so I had to create another account
  7. sabzgunbad3 is username. Account suspended without exceeding limits
  8. No need now. thanks
  9. still same error showing,https://prnt.sc/p9uEjSVpTppC . please help me you install wordpress on my domainhttps://centre.aduxo.eu.org. i've username sabzgunbad3 .
  10. The following errors were found : The license key is invalid. In order to use Plesk, please obtain and install a new valid license key. Your license key has expired. To continue using Plesk, buy a non-expiring commercial license key. https://www.plesk.com/pricing/ Will I have to buy this or You have to buy this?. Please Fix this issue
  11. please set my domain to centre.aduxo.eu.org. my username is sabzgunbad3
  12. I want to use my own domain zectigo.eu.org I've configured ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org in cloudflare NS dns please replace domain to zectigo.eu.org from https://zectigo.helioho.st/ My username: sabzgunbad3 https://zectigo.helioho.st
  13. Thankyou! My site is UP and running NOW. Can you please tell me how do i add my domain not subdomain
  14. Hello! I installed wordpress using wordpress installer you've given but still i am seeing default server page. you see i tried my best but all in vain. https://zectigo.helioho.st/ i also used https://zectigo.helioho.st/wp https://zectigo.helioho.st/wp-admin https://zectigo.helioho.st/wp/wp-admin but i got the same page : Not Found The requested URL /wp was not found on this server. I tried using softaculous installer but still this page shown . please help me install wordpress
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