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Everything posted by dhananjaym182

  1. Thank you for your reply. Seems this is happning with my domain, I am currently using helioho.st Today I jhave added my own domain will check if this is happling for this was well or not
  2. Thank you for your quick response Kazvee. I can see domain is reflecting in my account.
  3. Hi Support Team, Could you help me to add my domain and sub domain on my account. Domain: techarticles.in Subdomain: blog.techarticles.in ID: dhananjaym182
  4. My site is responding slow if I access it after sometime. Is heliohost sending site in sleep mode if it is not accissable/no traffic for few minutes/hours ? id : dhananjaym182 Thank You Jay
  5. Thank you for unsuspending my account. I just installed wordpress on this, there is no traffic currently. Not sure how its reached beyond 10K CPU usage. Sorry fo trouble
  6. Hi There, I am not sure why my account is suspended within few days of account creation. Request you to please reactivate my account ASAP. id: dhananjaym182 -- Regards, Dhananjay Maurya
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