Thank you for your reply.
Seems this is happning with my domain, I am currently using
Today I jhave added my own domain will check if this is happling for this was well or not
Hi Support Team,
Could you help me to add my domain and sub domain on my account.
ID: dhananjaym182
My site is responding slow if I access it after sometime. Is heliohost sending site in sleep mode if it is not accissable/no traffic for few minutes/hours ?
id : dhananjaym182
Thank You
Thank you for unsuspending my account. I just installed wordpress on this, there is no traffic currently. Not sure how its reached beyond 10K CPU usage.
Sorry fo trouble
Hi There,
I am not sure why my account is suspended within few days of account creation. Request you to please reactivate my account ASAP.
id: dhananjaym182
Dhananjay Maurya