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Everything posted by azubriy

  1. Yes, please install the control panel. Thank you!
  2. Thank you! I'd try option 2 (Mercury VPS). Transaction ID 9Y301140A6294922Y
  3. I'm really sorry for the huge resources use. I guess, it happened because of a mistake in my code. I'll roll back the code and it won't happening again. Thank you.
  4. Hello, it seems, my account has been suspended and I don't know the reason. my username: rsnpzd server: Tommy I had an account on Johnny previously, but after the RAID-issue I've asked for Tommy-account. Could you help me with un-suspension? Thanks a lot, BR, Andriy,
  5. Are the databases of Johnny-accounts also corrupted?
  6. Hello,could you add a domain rsnpzd.news to my account?(username: zsnpzd)Thank you!
  7. Thanks a lot, Krydos! I hope it will be possible at least to get backup-file, which was created by user before the Johnny-issue.
  8. It seems, the old email (@mail.ru), which was used in my paypal account doesn't work for me. I've donated again with my working email (@gmail.com): Transaction ID 13051468YB301281W and I got the invitation! thanks a lot! and sorry for bother you)
  9. Hello, I have a Johnny-account, but it doesn't work now. Hope, I'll get my data back after your data-restore. I've tried to register a Tommy account. I didn't get your invitation email. Please check Transaction ID 2XW23926FP9988547 and (re)send it to me. Thank you, BR, Andriy.
  10. Hello, could you change my sub-domain (gn.helioho.st) to my domain rsnpzd.news ? (username: azubriy) Thank you!
  11. Hello, I see 404 errors for every link Could you check and fix it? Thank you
  12. Hi, Could you change the main domain from azubriy.helioho.st to gn.helioho.st? Thank you.
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