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  1. Change htdocs/cgi-bin/test.py permission to 755 with file manager.
  2. Remember edit the posts and images table, replace all the Urls. ref: https://neuronthemes.com/how-to-replace-images-and-urls-after-site-migration/ backup db first before execute sql.
  3. I have managed to resolve the issue by switch off the "proxy to apache" in the "Nginx and apache setting" options. I would like to share information here. 1. we should not concern the Nodejs listen port because it is taken by by passenger plugin. Nodejs will auto listen on unix socket and communication. it will skip the port setting. 2. we have to switch off the "proxy to apache". so Nginx will proxy all requests to Nodejs. 😀
  4. I have made some try and find that tommy server dones't support websocket with nodejs !~passenger-envvars: VU5JUVVFX0lEAFpma251WlJlTC1oMTBWYXc2Zml1NkFBQUFSUQBTQ1JJUFRfVVJMAC93cwBTQ1JJUFRfVVJJAGh0dHBzOi8vbmlnaHRjYXRsdS5oZWxpb2hvLnN0L3dzAFBFUkw1TElCAC91c3Ivc2hhcmUvYXdzdGF0cy9saWI6L3Vzci9zaGFyZS9hd3N0YXRzL3BsdWdpbnMAUEFTU0VOR0VSX0NPTVBJTEVfTkFUSVZFX1NVUFBPUlRfQklOQVJZADAAUEFTU0VOR0VSX0RPV05MT0FEX05BVElWRV9TVVBQT1JUX0JJTkFSWQAwAEhUVFBTAG9uAA== !~passenger-client-address: 2404:c805:bd00:bc00:xxxx x-forwarded-for: 2404:c805:bd00:bc00:4a21:bff:xxx !~passenger-proto: https x-forwarded-proto: https sec-websocket-extensions: permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits sec-websocket-version: 13 sec-websocket-key: VQNcDm597M80V68NcYDyXg== x-accel-internal: /internal-nginx-static-location it lacks headers: Connection: Upgrade Upgrade: websocket
  5. Krydos, Thank you for your help You are so kind.
  6. Service is working well. Thank you.
  7. hello, my domain is : nightcatlu.helioho.st username: nightcatlu I try to implement the nodejs today,and find that nodejs donesn't work like other server. try to restart again and again and I notice the CPU load is quite high. Please kill all the process , Thank you. best regards
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