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About st3gm4

  • Birthday 10/11/1997

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  1. Why does it keep me logging out while interacting in the control panel? Every interaction always leaves me logged out. I can't do anything because within seconds of successfully logging in, it will log me out again. Really annoying. Any tips on how to fix this? Is this really normal? New user here. Also, the panel gives me a notification that there is another user logged in with the same username, basically saying, "Another user with the same username (myname) is already logged in to Plesk." How do I fix this? I can't find any settings on my panel to fix this problem. I did some research on the internet on how to fix that problem, and I found a link: https://www.plesk.com/kb/support/warning-in-plesk-interface-another-user-with-the-same-username-admin-is-already-logged-in-to-plesk/ . The problem is that I can't use my HelioHost account in there because that is obviously a different account from theirs. Any tips? I can't use my account properly because HelioHost wants me to throw in the login prompt every time.
  2. Would you care to explain how to fix it? Thanks.
  3. Hey everyone, new member here. I signed up for a $1.00 Tommy account donation. I just want to ask if it is true that we need to login every month to keep our account active; otherwise, the account will be flagged as suspended. What will happen if we forget to log in after 30 days? I just want some enlightenment here. Thank you.
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