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Everything posted by 6664dd

  1. Registration 22:25 last night, has more than 24 hours
  2. Can't open http://waimao.heliohost.org/cpanel and waimao.heliohost.org
  3. 6664dd


    ok 3Q
  4. 6664dd


    can't open http://simujin.com/cpanel and can't open my webpage
  5. yes,but www.simujin.com can,t open,it displays that HELIOHOST ACCOUNT QUEUED Ahoy! You're seeing this page because HelioHost has not gotten about to installing and configuring your account yet. This process usually takes 24 hours, and once it is complete your website should show up properly. While the account is being created we suggest taking a look at your control panel. Thanks for choosing HelioHost! We wish you good luck with your website. Sincerely, The HelioHost Staff
  6. simujin.com can open,why www.simujin.com can't open?
  7. simujin.com
  8. I need it,thanks a lot. Let's not make this a debate about governments. You are welcome to talk about politics in the 'Politics' forum. Like jje said, I'm just telling you the facts. I'm sure the US. govt has blocked some IP's too. I also know that many corporations will filter internet. Everyone is guilty of doing it. No need to get all mad about it. yes, i agree with u I need it,i can park dozens of domain names,thanks a lot. and recommend teleplay---《我的团长我的团》→《My Chief and My Regiment》Vedio Address :http://www.soku.com/v?keyword=%E6%88%91%E7%9A%84%E5%9B%A2%E9%95%BF%E6%88%91%E7%9A%84%E5%9B%A2&ca=1
  9. I don't think so,and i don't agree with u,only a free web space is your service nothing about my Govenment,your Govenment flaunt liberal democracy all along,why strike Julian Paul Assange and Wikileaks. I have no intention to say someting about your Govenment,but your reply relate to my Govenment is not friendly with me
  10. my God,can u recommend some free web space which can use ? thanks
  11. yes,Using NetEvader I can open it,don't use it can't open it in my area or my country.
  12. I have waited more then 48 hours,but Simujin.com can't open yet,why?Thanks
  13. O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ thank you very much
  14. Only set this ?Don't need other set,isn't it? Dns1:ns1.heliohost.org Dns2:ns2.heliohost.org
  15. Thank you very much! Dns1:ns1.heliohost.org Dns2:ns2.heliohost.org This haved been setted,but I don't known how to set ohter DNS Records,and my web can't open.
  16. I don't know how to set DNS ,my domain name is simujin.com Thanks a lot.
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