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  1. @wolstech Do you mind sharing a discord invite link? The link in the "Chat" page doesn't work. Also, Tommy is still down. Can't login through web. Remote database doesn't work either.
  2. @wolstech I understand. I'm not sure if it's from my side but everything is slow, from trying to connect from browser to tommy2.heliohost.org:8443/ to just clicking around the plesk control panel, everything takes like 5 seconds to load, is that normal and expected or am I doing something wrong? Also, it it possible to help me enable some mysql options like cache, disable dns resolve etc.? (I connect to remote db using IP address but I've read that disabling the dns resolver option helps sometimes. I'm not an expert on mysql so if you know some methods that can help my case I'd be greatly appreciative. I removed the details from first post for privacy reasons but please let me know if you aren't able to see them. (I assume you are able to since I also assume that this forum software keeps a history of edits to posts). Thanks. ======== Edit: I've tried pinging and I'm getting a constant 198ms. Which is understandable considering that your servers are in the US and that's the typical ping I get to the US. Also, timing a simple "select * from <table>" where <table> has 7 rows takes about 202ms so considering the initial ping value, that's fair. I guess I'm out of luck getting this improved. Although, I'd still greatly appreciate any help in this matter, it is not expected, especially considering this is provided for free.
  3. Hi, I registered through the donor option some time ago and I'm currently developing a windows app using remote mysql you provide. The server response is a bit slow and I'm wondering if it's possible to get my account transferred to another server. I see that Ricky has a low load. Would it help transferring to Ricky in my case? If yes and it is possible, then kindly transfer my account there. Domain name: <removed> Username: <removed> Server name: <removed> Thank you.
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