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A. Sanny

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  1. Thank you Krydos and byron for passing by. byron's edit did the job and an email was sent to my Hotmail account, specifically the Junk folder. Thank you all Heliohost team again!
  2. byron, thank you very much! It worked with a test database successfully (both by manual triggering or using cron job). By the way, does Hotmail block incoming cron notification? I pulled out that last part from the command you wrote, a backup was made but no email was sent. Thank you again!
  3. So, all what I have to do is waiting? Or should I put some information to get my site live?
  4. Thanks for instant reply, byron. I read this script trying to understand somehow its mechanism but I'm going to try it anyway with a test database. I have some questions in mind: 1. Do I have to save this script under public_html directory? Sorry but isn't this somewhat risky? 2. Where will be the backup file stored? Is it gzipped also? 3. How am I going to restore this backup? Via (cPanel/backup)? Many thank you all for your efforts.
  5. Hello jje, Actually I read some php-script topics for backups when I searched, but preferred to choose the simplest way. Getting emails everyday attached with backups sounds efficient, but consumes too much storage (by the end of the month, my inbox will be filled with 30 backups). Anyway, if I want to put this script on schedule, what command to be written in cron job to execute it, let's say, everyday on 1900 PST? Sorry if I'm mixing things here but my knowledge in administrating websites is somehow limited, but I'm always ready to learn! I like the way of making 7 different backup files weekly; each day has its own backup file. For example, on Sunday a cron job makes a new backup replacing the last Sunday backup. Sad that I can't make that
  6. Hello Heliohost team! Please I need some help here. I googled for auto backup my forum db and found a cron job script. I'm not that know-it-all about cron jobs nor Linux commands, but I do understand your restrictive policies for cron jobs and respect them. Therefore I want any advice on this: Using (cPanel/Cron Jobs), set those fields to the following: ----------- Minute: 0 Hour: 19 Day: * Month: * Weekday: 0 Command: mysqldump --opt -Q -u dbusername --password=dbpassword dbname | gzip > /pathto/backups/sunday.gz ---------- Replacing dbusername to your database user. Replacing dbpassword to your database password. Replacing dbname to your database name. Alter /pathto/backups/ to your favourite path, far outside from public_html. Repeat this job six times changing 'Weekday' from 0 to 1, 2... 6 and file name from 'sunday.sql' to 'monday.sql'... 'saturday.sql'. This will give you seven backup files for everyday. Quick summary from: http://www.theadminzone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17548 Will, I think this method does not cross any policies here; It's only seven different cron jobs that run each day of the week, but have no idea about eating resources. Note that I chose 19 for 'Hour' for what I think it's the time when few users would use the forum (My time zone is PST-10). Also I found someone (from that link) recommend using Gzip format to minimise backup folder size. One more thing, how do I restore these backup if something went wrong? Is it from (cPanel/backup)? So, what do you think? I haven't tried this nor I have tried cron jobs before. To backup I was doing the old unproductive way by exporting through phpMyAdmin every week. Sure I want my life much easier with automatic jobs, but unfortunately I lack experience. UPDATE: Just want to thank you for your help on my last topic. Stevie provides all what I like, most important his server-load; much lower than Johnny's! (3.55 against 29.47 ??? thank god I moved to him!)
  7. Good news! My account is now active and live! I'm here to thank you all; you do great jobs from hosting to customer service! UPDATE: Just one last thing. It's about my (.co.cc) domain. After I set it up from my account at www.co.cc with Heliohost DNS, my (.co.cc) domain redirects me to 'HELIOHOST ACCOUNT QUEUED' page. Is it also a time problem, meaning should I wait for 48 hours?
  8. Yes it should be but when I try to access http://asanny.heliohost.org/ I get "Server not found", "This webpage is not available", etc.. Anything wrong? UPDATE: I can't either access my account with CuteFTP. Uploading is only through cPanel file management which I can log in from Heliohost homepage.
  9. Thank you all for your efforts. Now I can access cPanel but only through heliohost.org homepage. I just wondering why asanny.heliohost.org isn't accessible till today? This is the message I got after registering with Stevie: ----- Your account is number 2 in the database, should be created by Tuesday 17th of May 2011 05:52:00 AM, and should be active by Wednesday 18th of May 2011 03:00:00 AM. ----- Should I wait for another 24 hours?
  10. Hello again, still stuck here! When I go to asanny.heliohost.org I see "HelioHost Account Queued" message. I did wait for 24 hours but I can't log in the cPanel nor I can register for a new account with the same domain either. So, what's the problem? UPDATE: Has anyone, by any chance, taken my account over ? Is this why I can't log in the cPanel?
  11. Thanks jje. UPDATE: I received this email declaring an error: Your hosting account at HelioHost has encountered an error during installation. The error is: Sorry, a DNS entry for asanny.heliohost.org already exists, please delete it first (from all servers in the dns cluster) ------------ So, what's wrong? If it has something related to a .co.cc domain, I already cleared its records and pointed to redirect to my blogger account the day I requested for account deletion.
  12. It's asanny.helionet.org username: asanny
  13. Thank you jje for you help. I've just backed up my home directory and my database, and then I went to this page where I typed my cPanel username and password. After that I was redirected to an empty page! Here is the link where I went to, and it was on that wiki page cl58tools provided: http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/delete.php I tried to log in through your homepage to my cPanel account, and it said 'Login Attempt Failed!'. Is this a sign for my account being deleted?
  14. Hello again, thank you for your replies. Perhaps it's better to try; after all my forum still in the beginning. I'm going to switch my account to Stevie, just need to search for some instructions for backing up my current files in the best way.
  15. Okay.. I have registered a Johnny account, thinking that I would use an ASP.NET forum. But at the end, I decided to use phpBB! So I was wondering if I can move to Stevie because my users can hardly browse my forum. Is it really true that Johnny's support of ASP.NET cause instability to the server? I only use a php forum so apparently I don't need all other Johnny's features. The question is: Is it good to move to Stevie or it wouldn't be different? And finally, thank you for your free service. I hope I didn't bother you asking in a wrong manner or place.
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