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  1. Ok, thanks a lot. I think I already found some code to use a pidfile to check if it is running and also to kill.
  2. JochenG

    Tommy back online

    Thanks a Lot for your effort!
  3. JochenG

    Tommy back online

    The cgi-bin somehow lost the X Permission. that was it.
  4. JochenG

    Tommy back online

    Hi, thanks for the quick check. Yesterday morning it worked, I did not log in. Ok, apparently now something happened. However, I cannot check because I cannot login to Plesk. I log in, click Plesk, and it says ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT Maybe it is unrelated, but I noticed that my php files (there were multiple, 3 I think) were in cgi-bin, whereas yours (from the URL) seems to be in a higher directory. Jochen
  5. JochenG

    Tommy back online

    Sorry, my child... It says 403 when I call the php in chrome.
  6. JochenG

    Tommy back online

    Hi, First. Thanks! My plesk seems brocken. And My PHP does Not Work. No permission. Yesterday it was fine. Is this known?
  7. Hello, I have a Python Script that requests another url. some URLs (like google.com) work, my own not. Here is the code: import requests response = requests.get("http://8pxtrp24kvius8v8.myfritz.net:8021/consumption") print("Response code:", response.status_code) print("Response formatted as text:",response.text) print("Response formatted in bytes:",response.content) print("Response Headers:",response.headers) The code seems ok, I can run it e.g. on https://www.educative.io/
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