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Everything posted by malcomhfc

  1. I have windows and i've had a lot of problems with it just as some features not working! Is linux a good operating system to switch to?
  2. Well i think it was because god got bored of playing chess by himself
  3. Does anyone know about fusion or can use it?
  4. My advice is to start out on html like i did then move onto learning php and learning sql while doing php too is always good. Then after learning html and php ever other language to learn is so much easier. i would learn python or fusion
  5. Has anyone seen I Am Legend? I would say it is one of the best films i have ever seen and for me who never nearly crys watching films when the dog died i was nearly crying . This would be my most recommend film!
  6. Who's all got a ps3 and its online? Whats your psn tag and what games do you play? My tag is: malcomhfc and i play call of duty 4 online, guitar hero 3, call of duty 3 and Kane and lynch. I may add some of use as a friend and then i can beat use online.
  7. 1208 go me i'm that number.
  8. malcomhfc

    Software Upgrade

    looks better
  9. hey welcome to helionet!
  10. the xbox is the best when playing gears of war and call of duty 3
  11. ie is better in everyway
  12. Just to let you know because i know you want to know that i know that you know. I posted the reply above to go with your random topic of 2007 well done.
  13. it is one of the best games ever!
  14. i would like a sig made for me please with soldiers in the backround and on it saying MALCOM please
  15. Hey im new i just like to say the forum looks good so far so if i post 25 posts a month i can get free hosting??
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