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Billy Captain

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  1. Billy Captain

    Extended Downtime

    I had to buy web hosting. :angry: . Could not stay more offline. It is annoying to spend 20Euros to host a one pager.
  3. Thank you sooooo muccccch. Can you also edit wherever there is "jes", as i still can see it in some quotes Hope i am not asking to much, but google is really nasty and people might look for old link.
  4. Lol guys. I think you have an issue there as I login to the panel almost every day. Can you delete this thread please as it is showing on google and i do not want any link anywhere with the old domain. BIG THANK YOU for your help
  5. Can I have my domain *******.heliohost.org renamed to ********.heliohost.org My account name is ****** Thank you
  6. Can I get my account renamed, including the full url from xxxxx.heliohost.org to yyyy.heliohost.org This is because i want to get rid of the xxxxx without the need of creating a new account.
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