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  1. Now its my turn.... =.=!! My account suddenly got queued while adjusting setting for my website...
  2. pspcode

    Johnny launched!

    Finally Johnny is launched.... So Johnny is for ASP user? Stevie server load is still as high as always? I tot Johnny could lighten the server load..... Can we make a transfer request? instead of deleting the old account.
  3. The server seem unstable.... keep up and down, now my website is down after refresh. Maybe I should watch some videos while waiting everything return green light again. Edit : Now is up again o.O
  4. Hmmm.... now the Cpanel is running slow to me, I can't even load all the tools and function. Is it related to this server issue? My website is running perfectly.
  5. I just saw Johnny's server load running at 0.01 today.
  6. http://heliohost.org/scripts/status.php - Check your account status. I registered at the same date as you but my account still not yet activate as well. Based on the faq, the server may need up to 4days to process your application since the server script is a bit slow. So lets wait for another 2 days?
  7. What do you mean, manual mode registration? Instead of using cron, administrator manage the application one by one manually. That mean all admins have to do is look though the pending application and activate the account with a click. On the other hand, admins also could detect any spam or fake application easily.
  8. So basically you need to wait at least 2-4days to get your account activated. Btw, you posted in the wrong section.
  9. Why not switch to manual mode registration? It's lighten the server burden and much faster. By the way, my application is delayed by another one hour again Since the script doesn't give accurate info, I don't how much longer I need to wait...
  10. Username? Domain name? Username is pspcode and domain name is pspcode.helionet.org. Registred yesterday but still not yet pass 48hours so I cant complain anything. But it was suppose to be created in 24hours but keep dalayed till 48hours... and I am not sure would it keep on delay or not :S Edit: I was orignally at 207 in the database, after 22hours of waiting dropped to 197 and I think its delayed further again. So based on the number, to reach my turn I have to wait 440hours for complete registration. Since 10 turn = 22 hours, therefore 197turns /10 x 22hours = 440 hours [round up]
  11. It's seem like the server keep delaying my registration. Yesterday I saw was suppose to be completely created at this time but when I check it back again, it's changed the date.
  12. Thanks a lot.
  13. That was the email you signed up with. So you want me to change it back now? I think the one I original signed up is started with psp not pfp... if my brain still functioning well
  14. Alright, thanks. Since I register with incorrect email in the first place, is there a possibility that my info has leaked out? Does the server send any mail after completing my registration? Edit: Erm.. my email is pfpcode@aol.com not pfp@aol.com. Sorry for the troubles.
  15. My domain is [edited].helionet.org and username is [edited]. I was suppose to signup under [edited] so I wish to correct my email to [edited]. But if it's possible to use hotmail, please change to [edited]. Thank in advance. Edited: To prevent bots from spamming my email
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