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  1. lpoulin lpoulin.heliohost.us and i believe tommy
  2. could you add thepoulin.ca to my account
  3. Next month could you set this to expire and not renew. Our project is complete. Thanks
  4. Alright I just filled out the form and set it up
  5. Not a problem about the free trial. Do we have enough room for a VPS or should I wait until there's more memory, I think I will end up subscribing
  6. Hey was looking to get a VPS would you be able to set on up running ODOO with the follow specs so that I can give it another shot for a couple days and see how it goes Thanks Was thinking of starting with this Memory: 2 GB CPUs: 2 Storage: 100 GB
  7. please view HH#732135
  8. Hello, I have sent a few emails to your support address however I have not heard back and was wondering if you are receiving them
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