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  1. Hmm... I don't really know about this.. but on what I know you account is now queued for deleting.. it takes 24 hours and above... But cant be really sure about this...
  2. some of the times...
  3. Well actually 500 internet server error cause i'm accessing some file at cPanel.. the error No data received happened to me alot..
  4. my domain : www.saguci.tk Hope you guys can help...
  5. Well my domain was hosted on stevie... and i think i dont use aspx cause i just use the fantastico to install script that i want... but i think i will try... changing to johnny...
  6. akira97


  7. akira97


    Hey i have some question to ask.... and I want to know if this is an error or server problem... sometimes when i go to my website it says “No data received”... is this an error or something wrong with server? EDIT: After i investigate this thing... now i know that it is a server error from www.dot.tk .... so no need thinking about this...
  8. My domain is saguci.tk .... I have tried clear my cache but still the same... EDIT: Now it works... THANKS!
  9. Hey... My domain saguci.tk just showing Account Queued page... It has been 24 hours since I register... Can someone tell me why?
  10. Nope... After I re-register it works fined.... thanks again...
  11. Thank you for the help jje... I guess i will try to delete my account and re-register again... maybe that will work.. .. Thanks again jje...
  12. Hi, my hosting server is stevie but i want to make a request to change my hosting server to johnny.. can i make a request for server change???
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