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About redviper

  • Birthday 02/07/1983

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  • Location
    In orbit around the Sun
  • Interests
    Reading science fiction, fantasy and the classics, Writing abstract things, coding stuff, hanging out with weird people, Cricket, the English Premier League (Forever United!), drinking scotch.

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  1. Sorry I should have updated this thread. It started working sometime last night. My night that is. About 18 hours ago that would be. Thanks for all the help!
  2. Well that worked!Thanks Ice, I was able to change the zone records. They checked out. However on trying to reach my domain I am getting the Heliohost account queued message! Although this is probably good since it seems to mean I am connecting to your hosting, but since my domain isn't new, I am at loss as to why this would be happening.
  3. Do you mean using the domain change script ?
  4. A whois lookup shows that the only nameservers associated with my domain are the heliohost ones. However I am still getting the no permission error when trying to add records using the Advanced DNS Zone Editor. http://whois.domaintools.com/jheelam.in Help please!
  5. Sorry? My domain is jheelam.in. Bigrock are the guys I bought it from. Have done as you suggested regarding the nameservers. Heliohost servers are the only ones listed. Guess we'll just have to wait for that to propagate through the internets. I don't really understand about external DNS. Shouldn't this setup work fine? Is there any specific reason/advantage I should do that? I did try that. Still getting : Will wait for the name-servers to propagate before trying again. Is there any other reason it wouldn't work? Thanks for helping out!
  6. Hi there, Having just gotten myself a new domain from bigrock.in, I have put in a request for domain change using the script here: http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/domain I then discovered that I was unable to change the Cname or txt records, although I was able to change the MX records. So I wanted to ask is that something I am not allowed to change as a server setting or is that something that will happen only once the new domain propagates? Edit: I should probably add the error I am getting is - You do not have permission to read the zone for : www.jheelam.in My problem is somewhat analogous to this one here: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/17300-answered-need-help-to-configure-dns-to-use-email/page__hl__%2Bzone+%2Brecords__fromsearch__1 A second query I had was regarding the nameservers. I have added ns1 and ns2.heliohost.org to the domain settings. However for some reason, their system is suggesting I should add their nameservers, as well, even-though I am not using their hosting. This does not make much logical sense to me. But not being experienced in server administration, I thought it more prudent to ask.....should I keep those 4 additional nameservers (the same ones mentioned in post linked above) or just the heliohost ones? Thanks in advance for your help. Username: redviper Domain: jheelam.in I'd also like to congratulate the mods here on how well organized this place. I've been here several times looking for answers and not had to post cause I found them well answered already. I've had the privilege of being a mod on a top 500 site myself and I know what a job it can be. So congrats on what you've achieved here and my grateful thanks as well, for making the effort. Cheers!
  7. Geewhiz! Strange but wonderful. I couldn't see the site. Got the big old accounted suspended message on that url and I could not login into cpanel either. Bad username..which it wasn't. But cpanel insisted. Err nevermind. Could not login from the heliohost.org homepage too. All's well that ends well. Thanks a ton jje for looking into it. Everything working as it should. Hopefully my lovely old site will work just as well. Ahem anyway thanks. Cheers!
  8. My account is suspended and the link in the reactivation email results in the account not suspended message. Username: redviper Server : Stevie (Not a 100% on that) Domain :http://jheelamguesthouse.co.cc The site is being remade currently so I didn't login quite that often. But that'll change in a few days once I am ready to upload the new pages. Please help! Thanks in advance.
  9. Thanks jje. I will look into them if required. For now I am happy to report I got it working! I can be a persistent bugger, w00t
  10. Yes, that is what it looks like I will have to do. It's not a problem, it's just a question of what you are used to, I guess. Drag and drop with filezilla...you kind of think that's just standard operating procedure after a while. Byron's script is still returning 'could not connect to stevie'. Would that error still be returned if the maximum people were logged in? or only if the server is down? Btw, does heliohost have an irc channel?
  11. Oh!
  12. Right mate, will do. I was trying and getting nowhere. The link will be handy. Appreciate it.
  13. Not sure what I'm supposed to do here. Do I not just type in ftp.jheelamguesthouse.co.cc and get the username/password request? When I do that, the status bar message is 'connected to ftp.jheelamguesthouse.com' and it stays like that. That is in Palemoon (Firefox build optimised for windows)....chrome merely returns it's standard 'could not find...' error. I understand what you are getting at, but it never goes far enough for the server to ask for login details. Thanks for replying.
  14. Thank you, Byron for the prompt reply. A couple of months I was trying the default ftp but must have been doing something wrong. I will try it again now. I have noticed though that for reason Chrome seems to have odd issues with ftp while Firefox handles it well. Is there anything to this or am I just imagining things? I am new to this. So far I've dealt with paid services and that mostly involves yelling at someone down the phone whenever the server acts up So my learning curve is nice and steep, but I'm enjoying the challenge. Some googling showed me that heliohost is pretty highly rated as a free web host. I spent some time in the forums reading this and that, and it was nice to see the responses from people like Djbob, Wizard, jje and yourself. So I signed up and am hoping this association will prove a good one. Now, I'm off to try the ftp once again. Thanks. Edit: The default ftp is still not working...on firefox I get a connecting messaging and then it becomes done and nothing else happens. On chrome, it can't even find the server. I'll attribute it high server loads and try in a couple of hours......
  15. Domain: jheelamguesthouse.co.cc Username: redviper Hello all, Mine is a new account and I'm trying to set it up. I want to set up an FTP account so I can upload files that way. Unfortunately the page does not load fully. It goes so far and no further. At first I thought it was a temporary issue and would clear up. I'm trying after a couple of days but the problem persists. I've also cleared the cache and tried. What should I be doing?
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