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  1. Cheers, Krydos. Much obliged.
  2. Ah, that would be fab, Krydos. I promised to set up a basic personal website for somebody; I would like it to be a subdomain at kudryavitsky.heliohost.org - if at all possible. Cheers!
  3. Cheers Krydos, my account (survisi1) has been transferred! Can I create a new subdomain? I can't find the way to do it... Many thanks in advance.
  4. Eh, some people get lucky! I've been waiting for the e-mail invite for four days now since my turn has come, and that e-mail never arrived. Maybe you could resend? Would be very grateful... Survisi1
  5. Hi guys, My account (survisi1) is currently on Ricky. Can I ask you to move it to Tommy? Thanks. The PayPal transaction ID for my donation is 3UG82583LE228991R Transaction made on February 1st.
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