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Everything posted by imfree
1. My site's homepage does not open. Earlier it had reverted to the Default Plesk Page which said my site does not exist. Now even that has gone. Please check and rectify. 2. Will the > 10 yr old CPanel applications open properly on Plesk, or do they have to be updated and re - installed all over again (since those apps are very old now) ? 3. If those apps won't work, (plus, some CPanel apps are not there on Plesk) then can I safely delete their files and folders from my backups or do I have to update and re - install them ? 4. Do I need to put the MX Records on Plesk to send / receive mails from my domain even though the Google Suite Account has been deleted ? Please let me know.
I have tried to upload my backups today, but the Ftp does not recognise tommy.heliohost.org. Even the Heliohost Dashboard says, "Loading Plesk", but nothing happens any further. Please check and help. And yes, I do appreciate your kind and sincere efforts. Please continue to do so.
Awaiting your kind reply.
My site's Default page opens, but > 1. Please tell me how do I change the DNS settings and MX Records (especially, after I upload my backups) when there are no such options available on Plesk ? 2. When will I be able to do so ? Or, when will the rest of Plesk's features also be readily available ? 3. Where and how do I upload my backups to on Plesk ?
Please change my domain name from the default "mydomain.helioho.st" to "mydomain.com" at your earliest and oblige. Or, please tell me how to do it. Awaiting your kind reply.
Thanks to your kind help, I have setup my free "mydomain.helioho.st" Please change my domain name to "mydomain.com" at your earliest and oblige. In short, only "helioho.st" changes to ".com" Please let me know when it's done.
I have tried to setup my account today using your email link. But it says, Invalid Code. Please help since it was working earlier. Extremely sorry for the delay.
Oh, I understand. In your method, HelioHost wants you to buy a domain. But I already have my domain and just want to link to it. Not buy one. And that, it is not allowing me to do. So how do I link my existing domain to my username and account, etc like what it was earlier ? Please let me know.
You can't enter anything into the red or black bordered drop box. Please try it yourself. The box just gets stuck. Nothing happens. Please help fix this issue.
I have tried to sign up on your link, but after entering my username and password (different from HelioNet's) it gets stuck at Choose Your Domain. It allows only (.helioho.st or, .heliohost.us), but does not allow me to choose my Custom domain. When I click Custom, nothing happens. Just says, "Domain must have a dot". But the keyboard is not recognised. Then, how do I enter my domain.com ? Please let me know.
Why do I prefer Tommy ? I might require Node.js in the future (when I do, I'll come back to you for help) and I don't wish to get stuck half way then. These movements from here to there really put me off. The only consolation is the splendid help provided by all You -- Elves and Angels -- of HelioHost. And I do not wish to be an unnecessary burden upon you. Prefer to take only as much help as is required, which, even otherwise, is quite a lot. My old Tommy Transaction id dated 8 Feb 2017 is 2015486129. By coincidence, even then I was replying to Wolstech. So now, do I get a free Tommy invite or do I have to sign up again ? Please let me know.
Now that I have to re apply, a few questions still remain. 1. Since I am an old user will you please send me a free Tommy invite (not Johnny) again so that I may restore my backups ? 2. If not, then, after the new Donor Signup will I retain and get back my old user 1gb storage space, plus, an additional invite storage of, say 1 gb = total 2 gb ? Or will it be just the total storage of 1 gb only ? Please clarify.
No. Johnny is not as feature rich and stable as Tommy. This is what you had advised me when I was migrated from Stevie to Tommy and my space increased to 1gb. Again, I don't have the expertise to migrate my account every now and then. (One of the main reasons why I did not move from Tommy to Johnny, or to any other server offered by you, in the intervening period till date). Hence, please tell me how do I set up and restore my account on Tommy itself. I was under the impression, and would prefer, that old users retain their old servers with minimal changes as required by the circumstances. (e.g., cPanel to Plesk). Hence, please advise as to how may I restore my account on Tommy itself. I have been patiently co operating with you when you were down. I trust you will appreciate and reciprocate accordingly with an open heart. In the past few years most of us in the world have undergone many hardships, trials and tribulations, and in such times we have to help one another to the best of our abilities and efforts. Come, let us take our small steps towards a peaceful universe. Your kind co operation in this regard will be greatly appreciated.
I have tried to upload my Tommy backup files (downloaded from cPanel to be uploaded to Plesk) on Ftp via "tommy.heliohost.org" + username and password, but whenever I do that it says "host not found / known". If I use your link at https://heliohost.org/dashboard , it again goes back to the Download Backup page and no Dashboard appears. What am I doing wrong? Secondly, what is the difference between SFTP and FTPS ? Because my FTP client has FTPS but not SFTP. Do I use FTP or FTPS or SFTP, or the website link ? Earlier, the weblink would work, but that was on cPanel. How does Plesk work ? Please let me know. For all of the above respective categories please send me the new Hostnames, Usernames, Ports and other codes required to upload my backups to Tommy, if they have changed. Please correct my errors and help me upload my files back on Tommy Plesk.
Dear Sir, I have just downloaded the Tommy Backup of my site. Where do I have to back it up to on Tommy, and how? Please advise.
SPF and DKIM are both okay and PASS now. The SPF code has automatically added a “+” before include. So the code now reads as v=spf1 +mx +a +ip4: +include:_spf.google.com ~all It is working. So I leave it at that. But my site’s Contact Form is just not sending any mails, either to the sender or to the receiver, both of whom are on Gmail. Actually, I am sending a test mail from my G Suite account to myself, and both don’t come through. But when I send and receive mails directly both show NO PROBLEMS. The emails don’t even go to the spam folder, nor to the admin’s junk box. They all just disappear without a trace. As though my Contact Form is not connected to my email at all. Please note that before and until Tommy crashed everything was ok. The Contact Form is not functioning properly only after the crash. I have restored the relevant files over and over again but cannot trace out the errors. Please Check at your end. By the way, what are iCloud and GMX? Awaiting your kind reply.
If he has the username.tar.gz backup of his site, all he needs to do is upload it using the Backup Manager from cPanel and the Backup Manager will unpack his public_html files automatically. No need to use ftp to upload his site. I was not referring to this question no. 2 which has already been solved by Wolstech earlier. But EXTRA THANKS to Byron's Reply because this was what I was looking for while loading my backups, but never found out how to Unzip my zip files on Tommy, so I had to use the long route. This Reply will be a big help next time I load zip files. Byron, you have solved one of my biggest headaches. Thanks again. The Questions I was actually referring to are detailed below : Valid details have been ccd to Krydos, Wolstech and Byron.
New Qs Further to my earlier queries, I have recently clicked the “Install the suggested Record’’ and the new DKIM has been successfully installed. And the cPanel too says VALID. The DKIM shows up in my email as PASS. But the SPF shows up in my email with the remark, SOFTFAIL with IP While in the cPanel, all my DKIM SPF and PTR are VALID. So what is the problem? Please check. I have also again uploaded my Email files on to the server, but my problem no. 1 in the previous list remains as it is. Only no. 2 is partially resolved. The rest need to be still sorted. Please help me resolve nos. 3 - 5 too. Your kind help will be very much appreciated. Thanks and Regards, I am PM-ing you your required details. Please bear with me.
Please help resolve the following issues. 1. Mails sent from the contact form on my site are NOT going anywhere, while emails directly sent / received from/ to my G Suite account are reaching properly. Please help. 2. I have entered the DKIM Records, and on the emails it appears as ok, but in the cPanel’s Email Deliverability Section it says Problems Exist. If I press the “Install the suggested Record’’ Button it says - Danger: If you send email from another server, you must use this server’s DKIM key on the remote server. What does that mean? Thoroughly confused me. What do I do? 3. The SPF Key has also changed. The new one is - v=spf1 +mx +a +ip4: ~all While the old original G Suite one was - v=spf1 include:_spf.google.com ~all Why this difference? Which one do I use? Though I have just pressed “Install the suggested Record’ and the new one has been installed. And the cPanel says VALID. But the G Suite site still says to use the original one. Which one is better? 4. What exactly is a PTR Record and what does it do, in simple English please? The cPanel says PTR is VALID even though I didn’t touch it. It was not there earlier when Tommy came up in place of Stevie and when I had first entered the DKIM and SPF records. 5. Earlier there used to be an Authentication link in the cPanel via which was auto - entered the G Suite’s original SPF Record. Where is it? It has disappeared. Is the Email Deliverability link in place of that? Please let me know. Your kind help will be very much appreciated. Thanks and Regards,
Dear Sir, Hi ! Thanks to Each and Every One of the HelioHost Team who have put in their grand efforts to revive and rejuvenate Tommy, as well as its fellow servers, and for inviting me to its resurrection. Invitation accepted. Index page done. Gracias. Merci beaucoup. Please guide me now step by step as to what I have to do. My site data is not there. Do you upload it or do I? If I have to upload the data would you please provide me with a backup of my earlier site and point out where to upload it on Tommy? Do I have to redo the MX Records too all over again? How long will it take for the site to be active once the data is uploaded? Is this going to be like resetting my site on Tommy all over again as we did earlier? Or are there any shortcuts? Please let me know. Your kind help will be very much appreciated. Thanks and Regards, imfree.
I am extremely sorry. I have phrased my question wrongly. I only wish to change my Domain name registrar. The place where you edit the nameservers, e.g. ns1 and ns2.heliohost.org, and not heliohost itself. What precautions \ backups do I need to take before I migrate to a new Domain name registrar? (I thought Domain name registrar was DNS in short. Sorry for that.)
I would like to migrate to a new Dns Host provider. Will that affect mu site's data and settings? If yes, then what precautions / backup, etc. do I need to take? And how will I know that the change / migration has been completed? Please Note. I want to change my DNS Host provider only. Not my Domain Host. That is you. Please advise.
Dear Sir, Hi ! If I change my DNS Host, do I need to backup my site's data before I make the change? How will I know that the change has been completed? Please let me know.
Yes, checked that up. Itś a DKIM signature which is already set by default. So really speaking, I don´t need to do anything. But all that I want is to change / shorten "Signed by - mysite.com.some numbers.gappssmtp.com" to "Signed by - mysite.com." without altering the main DKIM Key or its contents. To do that do I have to apply for a new private DKIM signature / key with Google or can it be done at your end? Is the private signature different from the default one or are they both the same? Secondly, I have to even setup my SPF records too. Which comes first, or can they be done together, one after another? DMarc is the third guy, but too confusing for the moment. Iĺl leave that alone. Please advise.