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Johan Sx

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Johan Sx last won the day on February 10 2022

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    Laarne, Belgium
  • Interests
    family tree

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  1. I have the same problem
  2. Bedankt, probleem opgelost!
  3. According to Plesk my SSL certificate is valid until October 13, 2024, but this appears not to be the case when people surf to my site (https://johansx.heliohost.us/) kind regards Johan
  4. Hello, When I log in to Plesk I see: SSL/TLS certificate - Certificate Name Lets Encrypt johansx.heliohost.us that this is valid until October 19, 2023 However, my website is blocked by virus scanner, certificate detail here gives validity 28/07/2021 to 28/07/2022 Can this be fixed, or do I have to perform an action for this? thanks in advance
  5. Sorry, same problem again this evening... Johan
  6. Thanks, everthing works again!!!
  7. thanks for the reply, let's hope everything gets fixed soon
  8. I've logged in to heliohost and from there to Plesk several times in the last week without any issues to update my site. Since yesterday this is no longer possible. After several minutes, I keep getting the message “No response from server. Try again in a bit” or “this site is unavailable” Also my site won't load anymore (https://johansx.heliohost.us/) Can anyone take a look at this, maybe a common problem? Thanks for looking Johan
  9. Bedankt voor het beantwoorden Vreemd, ze geven spam als reden, ik geef soms de link om anderen te helpen bij hun stamboomonderzoek Als oplossing geef ik nu de uitleg in de reactie en stuur ik een pb met de link zodat iedereen blij is, ook facebook🙂
  10. When I place the link to my site on Facebook, it is blocked (https://johansx.heliohost.us/), also via the domain name www.johanenleen-six.be Does anyone have the same problem?
  11. Hey My SSL certificate via ZeroSSl expires April 4, 2022 I've updated this and uploaded the zip file Can you (Krydos) install this? thanks in advance Johan
  12. Ok ok I did the same and now no more problem!
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