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  1. Hi, I was wondering what the MySQL max_allowed_packet size is. Is it standard 1 mb? I try to upload a table in my database but it always gives the error user warning: Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' ....... Locally I can just adjust the my.ini fine and change it to for example 16mb instead of 1mb, but of course I don't have access to this here on Heliohost.
  2. I often get this message when I try to access my website corruption.heliohost.org (or even the cpanel): With often I mean a downtime of a couple of hours already today. Last week I had this a lot as well but that may have been due to the configuring and moving between the servers as I read on the homepage. I know you can't guarentee 99 or even 98% uptime (since it's free which I thank you a lot for!) but I'm wondering if this is normal. Regards, maglor
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