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Everything posted by rakinar5

  1. I know that. If unsuspension is possible, then please unsuspend me. Actually the problem was: My yonger brother had signed up on tommy with the same mobile phone that I use. Again, I request to the root admins to unsuspend me and delete the new account. If it is not possible, then please free my domain.
  2. My account has been suspended again! This time I don't know what was happend. Please unsuspend me again. Please also unsuspend my lily account. And tell me why my account was suspended. Domain: bluecloudcdn.ml Username: rakinar5 Server: Tommy
  3. Yestarday, I was out of town!
  4. Sorry, but I was talking about cPanel login, not FTP login.
  5. I've created a new user on my tommy account (For example: someone@bluecloudcdn.ml, not someone@tommy.heliohost.org). But when I tried to log in with the username "someone", it says login invalid. Why this happends?
  6. What do mean by 'PM'?
  7. I signed up on tommy for running ASP.NET, but it no longer supports ASP.NET. So, I requested you to create an account on lily. Now what should I do to not get suspended?
  8. I need an account on lily... because all of my scripts are written in ASP.NET! Please... Can I have one?
  9. I need an account on lily... because all of my scripts are written in ASP.NET! Please... Can I have one?
  10. _
  11. What are the maximum load of tommy, ricky and johnny? How can I decrease server load?
  12. Yestarday, my friend kate tried to sign up on tommy at the signup opening time (in our timezone, it was 6:00 AM) but tommy was full! Why this happend with her? If tommy has some fixed signup days, then what are they?
  13. What are the maximum load of tommy, ricky and johnny? How can I decrease server load?
  14. Yes, you can free those domains. Is it possible to get SSH Access on Tommy server? If possible, then how?
  15. Thanks for your reply. I want to keep rakinar5 account on tommy server. How can I change my email address? (rakinar5 account) If I can, then how? Please Reply me.
  16. Username: rakinar5 Server: tommy Domain: bluecloudcdn.ml Please Unsuspend me?
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