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  1. If you are having trouble with using webdav/webdisk, here's a solution how to fix it with this method. NOTE: I've only done this on Windows cause it's the only OS that I have 1) Go to File Exporer 2) Go to This PC in the left side where it also shows libraries 3) Click "Add a network Location" on the top which you can see if you press the Computer which is the next is view 4) Press next and then choose "a custom network location" 5) If you see an input with "Internet or network address", enter https or http (if you have ssl certificate on and then you have https enabled, choose http) and then enter this in the input "https://webdisk.(INSERTYOURWEBSITELINKHERE.DOMAIN)" (e.g. https://webdisk.domain.com/) and then press the next button 6) If you see a login thingy that popsup after you pressed next, you have to enter your account username and then the password and then you have it working!
  2. I was working on a render and then i found out that you need to have GD Library on. https://internplanet.gq/Avatar.php?ID=1
  3. Is there any way to change the php version to 5.6?
  4. @Wolstech, this what I get: @extremeplayer32, you'll need to set your nameservers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org before we'll be able to help you. We can't troubleshoot anything while you're using cloudflare. i changed it now
  5. so i was making a website for my game https://internplanet.gq and i had no idea why it says internplanet.gq is currently unable to handle this request, all the connections were right. so i decided to scan the problem and it says 500 Internal Server Error. Does this have to do with the hosting?
  6. yes i did
  7. My IP is
  8. was just trying to login to webdisk and i got ip banned
  9. Update: I logged in to my HelioHost account and I got IP Blocked for trying to login with wrong password many times. I didn't even logout? Please unblocked me, I've been trying to access this for 6 hours.
  10. Hello! I've been trying to access the Johnny cPanel and I wasn't able to login because it shows me " This site can’t be reached"How do I fix this? All I only did was downloading a webdisk and now the site doesn't allow me to get in anymore. It's been like this for 6 hours. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/715559098078199818/717505105699668078/unknown.png?width=601&height=475
  11. Hello! So I got this problem with the webdisk/webdav. I installed it correctly and the credentials are correct but when I open up the webdisk, I cant access it and then it asked me to diagnose it and then it says it was the DNS. Does anyone here know how to fix this? If you can, please reply to this topic so I can fix this problem, thank you. Proof: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/713308789821931631/715110166592225280/unknown.png
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