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Everything posted by RvX

  1. I've found a service that offers free subdomains, 3 DNS are needed. I've read this topic and gotten these 3 nameservers. Furthermore, I've created an addon domain with suitable name to the newly created (podreczniki.int.pl) And if I try to access it, it says: "Server not found" What may be wrong with whole thing? Do I need my account domain name (which is komis.heliohost.org) to be changed? My username is: daddy.
  2. That's strange, but I haven't been able to access ftp for recent days.
  3. I would like you to do. My site is komis.heliohost.org, my username is daddy
  4. RvX

    GD library

    Thanks for ensuring me about it. After thumbnails hadn't work on certain script and after I hadn't found anything in phpinfo() script, I thought they weren't installed.
  5. RvX

    GD library

    I haven't said it clearly - I need it for auto-making thumbnails of photos sent to the site. However, it may not be so urgent, it depends on what will djbob answer for my question in another topic.
  6. When will GD library be installed on the server? I need this to my site for creating thumbnails...
  7. Well, I can access the administration panel, however with some inconveniences. I've discovered that ads code is attached to every single frame (or file) and I got another problem. Is it possible for me to put your ad in my header myself and you to remove automatically pasted ads from site?
  8. I have a problem with ads on my administrator panel page of script I've just installed. They've blocked access to admin's area. In all other pages they are fine, but admin's page has 3 frames and something wrong happens. Is it possible to remove ads from certain page?
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