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  1. Hi, I am trying to connect to PostgreSQL database using PHP to access data from a table but when testing the PHP using Postman I get an error: Connection error: could not find driver Googling the question would indicate that I need an extension in order to use PHP: ​https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2852748/pdoexception-could-not-find-driver Is this correct? Is this something I can have enabled/added?
  2. Hi, Any chance I could have pgcrypto extension enabled for my PostgreSQL database? Database name is mtarsa_BoardGames on Johhny server. User mtarsa_admin.
  3. Hi, I want to create a RESTful API for a PostgreSQL database that I would be able to access via RESTful web service in a prototype HTML website using JavaScript. I want the database and the API on the server so they can be accessed anywhere and the data in the database added/edited from the prototype website. Would that be possible to do here and if so any advice on what services I would need? Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I am quite new to this. I've started creating the database I would need so far. I have used some PHP in the past and the example I am replicating has been done in PHP as well.
  4. Hi I am unable to connect remotely to my postgresql database. My connection parameters are: database: mtarsa_BoardGames user: mtarsa_admin host: johnny.heliohost.org When I attempt to connect, I receive the response (psycopg2.OperationalError) FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "mtarsa_admin", database "mtarsa_BoardGames", SSL off Could remote access be enabled for me please?
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