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Everything posted by tmzafar

  1. Hello, could you please add the following domain to my plan: ecomschmiede.de My username is tmzafar. Thank you in advance. Kind Regards
  2. Thank you very much
  3. Hi Team, I have renewed my account due to inactivity and i have noticed that i am unable to use my emails and the website is not reachable either. Can somebody please help me out? Many thanks in advance!
  4. I have received it, thanks alot!
  5. Hi i am unable to log into Heliohost. Can i kindly get a rest link? Kind Regards,
  6. ok nevermind, it was in the spam folder and i resetted the password and it now worked. Many thanks!
  7. Could you please send me the link to reset the password again? I haven't received an email
  8. Hi, i am currently unable to login into my account, even after resetting my password. I am getting the following error message: "Unable to login with that username and password." Kind Regards, Tahir
  9. My account is currently on Ricky. Please move it to Tommy. Paypal Trans ID: 7T859748HN868515L Transaction made at 07 January 2021 Keep up the good work! Best regards, tahirmzafar
  10. i have exported the tables which i created locally in an sql script and imported them through phpMyadmin, but i am unable to make a create table or insert into queries. It works on phpMyAdmin
  11. the user is tmzafar_admin and the database is database_kd-ueberdachung
  12. So what could else be the reason? Is there something else i can do to?
  13. yes i checkmarked that for that specific user. Should i remove that?
  14. I removed the IP Address and inserted a '%', but i'm still unable to make any queries, except for a select statement. I am able to log in and make select statements, for everything else i'm gettin command or acces denied
  15. yes i assigned them to do the database and given them rights too
  16. Hi, i have the following Problem: I followed the instructions from https://wiki.helionet.org/MySQL_Databases#Connecting_Remotely and have added an IP Address (Host) in the remote MySQL Section and can connect with the database just fine. But when i try to create a table, i get the follwoing error: Error Code: 1044. Access denied for user 'user'@'*IP-Address*' to database 'database' I have also tried to grant priviliges to the user, but same error and i have also tried it over phpMyAdmin Section, and there i get another error that user@localhost doesn't have access to the database. I haven't tried it with a wildcard...
  17. Hi, is it possible to make a new TXT record for the DNS confiduration? I wanted to get my site indexed by google and thus it requires me to make a new TXT record in the DNS confiugartion. If yes, what do i have to do? Thanks in advance for your help.
  18. Oh never mind, i guess it takes a little time for the changes to come to effect and it worked now!
  19. I am somehow unable to change the permission after i renamed and uploaded the php file again. This time i tried saving it with 644. Could you please check?
  20. Perfect, many thanks!
  21. I created a test.php file to see if it's enabled, but i alays get an "Internal Server Error" and i also checked the permission tp 644. I created a new folder and inserted the php file ith the same permission and there i get "Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource.Server unable to read htaccess file, denying access to be safe". Then i inserted a plain php echo in html, but the code gets commented out. How do i know that PHP is enabled and can vie php files?
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