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Everything posted by brettelliot

  1. Hi, Im writing a flask app that connects to postgres. My script errors with a 500 and after reading the forums I'm wondering if it's because i need to request remote access. (But i don't know why my script which is running locally would need remote access). Here's the error: psycopg2.OperationalError: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "::1", user "brettell_user", database "brettell_test", SSL off Even if remote access is not the cause of my error, I'd like to enable it from any IP because I will want to query it using datagrip anyway. Here are the details: Host: johnny.heliohost.org Database: brettell_test User: brettell_user If remote access isn't the problem, perhaps you can take a quick look and let me know what's wrong. Thanks everyone!
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