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  1. No sir it's not ours. Please unsuspend our account ASAP. Regards, Admin, SCRJ
  2. @wolstech @Krydos we are not having any other account with heliohost. We are unaware of any other account in our name with HH. Please request you humbly to unsuspend our account. Regards, Admin, SCRJ
  3. Dear Sir, I'm using your service for past couple of years now. Ours is a Google verified business Scientific-Cart. Please request you to unsuspend our tommy2 account username sccart urgently as we are hosting research journals. Regards, Admin SCRJ
  4. Its shown on all pages after I login to wordpress. domain : tarkeshwarpatil.tk used as addon-domain for username: scientif
  5. I'm getting the following error XML-RPC authentication is disabled. Jetpack is currently active and requires XML-RPC authentication to work correctly. Please help me resolve this error ASAP
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