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Everything posted by costcowh
remove costcoshanghai.com
Subdomain as alieha.mandcofashion.co Mahnoor.mandcofashion.co Mehak.mandcofashion.co
Hello sir my username karachi1 Please add an subdomain to my domain name mandcofashion.co in my account subdomain as alieha.mandcofashion.co
Yes, you're right, but I've donated this amount to a GoFundMe campaign organized by Helihost, and all these things are included in it. Please check the campaign history. In that campaign, you offer the VPS, immunity for inactivity, and storage increase, and you implement all these things on Cpanel but didn't implement it on plesk server
I donated through GoFundMe a long time ago, so I don't have a transaction ID, but Krydos can verify it through my email, karachi@post.com.
Hello sir, I want to increase my storage limit and login suspension time. I have purchased the 4-month non-suspension by donating 21.3 dollars. You can check my history, and please increase my storage limit accordingly.
Hello sir I'm facing issue with login my account time to time it start saying you can't login with this username and password but everything is same and correct after sometime it start working again can you please check it the issue Username: karachi1 Main domain: karachi1.heliohost.us
I need your help, sir. As you know, I've already routed my website to Heliohost servers, so I can't change the DNS record on my hosting side, but I want to add an txt record for SSL certification. I can't find any option to add it myself. Will you please add it?
yes remove them
my account username karachi1 main domain: karachi1.heliohost.us domain i want to add mandcofashion.co
its not working see Unable to login with that username and password. but everything is correct; even i cant reset the password
hello sir my account is archived for inactivity Can you please unarchive my account? karachi1.heliohost.us
okay sir please change my Php setting open_basedir to None at this time my open_basedir setting is {WEBSPACEROOT}{/}{:}{TMP}{/} please change it to None i need to install CS Cart Shop
Another domain kaayoutfits.com
Username: karachi1 Main domain: karachi1.heliohost.us
Hello sir i need help please tell me how i can solve this issue when ever I'm trying to install magento using official magento application in Plesk panel after sometime it an error appeared mentioned below and second please help me out how i can change PHP.ini settings myself Error: Unable to install the app because its installation requirements are not met. Contact your hosting provider to resolve this problem. Requirements PHP limits The PHP memory limit is 128M bytes. The app requires at least 512M bytes. PHP extension The 'mcrypt' extension was not found.
Username: karachi1 Main domain: karachi1.heliohost.us Server: Tommy paid Hello sir my subscription is suspended due to overuse of resources allocated please unsuspended my subscription and reset all of my resources and files stored in disk space
Hello sir my account is already transferred to plesk as i'm a donner but now i want to change my domain on my account please help me with it Main Domain: karachi1.heliohost.us Username: karachi1 i want to add kaayoutfits.com on my account
Hello sir now midnight UTC already passed please un suspend my account email counter is reset
HelioHost username: Shafiaki hello sir my account is suddenly suspended i don't know why i think by mistake please solve this as soon as possible
Firstly I'm not install WordPress i don't know how it happen but as you said I'll take care of every minor details for next time but second I'm not receive any invite link for my replacement account where you send this can you please tell me and third can you remove all my domain on my suspended account then i will be able to move these domains to my new account