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About sterremu

  • Birthday 09/03/1949

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  • Interests
    Music making, photography, cooking

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  1. Thank you. It's working excellent.
  2. Hi, Because all .ml domains were removed by Freenom, my domain myhelio.ml disappeared. Is it possible to add a new domain to my hosting as subdomain of my own domain? That will be : myhelio.ebenau.net Thanks! Eric
  3. Yes! Its working now: Received: from tommy2.heliohost.org (tommy2.heliohost.org []) by gcp-europe-west4-c-smtpin4.hostinger.io (mx.hostinger.com) with ESMTPS id 4NFQqR5WZZz2l0s8 for <eric@xxxxx.net>; Sun, 20 Nov 2022 09:54:59 +0000 (UTC)Received: from webmail.sterremu.helioho.st (localhost.localdomain [IPv6:::1]) by tommy2.heliohost.org (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id AFB95402FF47 for <eric@xxxxx.net>; Sun, 20 Nov 2022 09:54:50 +0000 (UTC)Authentication-Results: tommy2.heliohost.org; spf=pass (sender IP is ::1) smtp.mailfrom=eric@xxxx.ml smtp.helo=webmail.sterremu.helioho.stReceived-SPF: pass (tommy2.heliohost.org: connection is authenticated) Thanks again. 😎
  4. OK, but I still get: The mail system<eric@ebenau.net>: host mx1.hostinger.com[] said: 554 5.7.1 Sender IP Blocked by CSI. For remediation please use https://csi.cloudmark.com/en/reset/?ip= (in reply to RCPT TO command) So at CSI the IP address must be on a blacklist, probably because some user has produced onwanted content while mailing via Hostinger. Perhaps you can check it yourself with the provided link of Cloudmark.
  5. So if I use my own bind nameserver I can fix this myself?
  6. If I send mail to one of my mailaddresses at hostinger.com this is rejected. As far as I can see mail to gmail, yahoo,mail.com and protonmail works fine. Complete response below.
  7. No one talked about harpsichords here. Until now. I own one. In fact it's a spinet which is a small harpsichord. This one is made by Momose in Japan.
  8. Thank you very much. All is working fine. 😎
  9. Hi, can you add my domain back to my plesk account? It is myhelio.ml account: sterremu I do not see a button for adding new sites myself. Regards, Eric
  10. Hello, can you please revive my account? My username is sterremu I cannot remember the servername. Regards, Eric Ebenau, aka sterremu
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