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Posts posted by jstacy

  1. How do I use this thing?


    I created a new PostgreSQL database, but I'm unable to select it or do a single thing with it?  HOW do I get any data, schema, anything useful at all into it?


    So..... Once the DB and users are created, what do I do with it?  How do I import the data from my website in it?

  2. I've been running on Docker and all my files just go in /code


    Where do I put my files on this server?  www?  cgi-bin?  How do I navigate to a Django site which is theoretically running on Ricky to test it once I've dropped my files in place?  This is all extremely difficult with no access to command line interface.  It's all too gui-clicky-clicky for someone who operates on the command line primarily.


    I've tried dropping the folder which houses all my code into various folders in my /home directory, but it always errors out.  Once I actually manage to get all my files in there, how do I actually start the django application with no access to the command line?  Does it just automatically detect that I have Django code in there and run?  What port does it serve on?  What IP address?  How do I see whether or not the application is actually running?

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