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Everything posted by sjimmie

  1. Hi, Is there any hosting plan I can switch to that already has manual DNS configuration?
  2. I need to reset my pw
  3. Anddddd it's working. Muchas gracias
  4. Hi, Currently on Tommy you have version 2.8.0 running according to this url: https://krydos.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules37.py The tiny_mce text editor won't show on my deployment on Tommy and I've tried everything possible. According to the prerequisites I would need version 3.0.1 or later https://django-tinymce.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html#prerequisites Could you please run: pip upgrade django-tinymce Thank you so much if it works you should be able to leave a comment on: http://borisaelen.nl/blog/stormlight-archive/ EDIT: I've just verified that this is the problem. I've downgraded django-tinymce on my dev env to match the version on Tommy and then the editor won't load. Would appreciate it very much if you could upgrade to the latest version.
  5. One more request: could you please install django-summernote on tommy :-) It's a WYSIWYG editor that is under development https://summernote.org/ thanksss
  6. You guys are the bomb, thanks
  7. Hi, Could you please move my account and domain to Tommy? Thanks so much! paypal transferid: 925736540W4132103 username: sjimmie domain: borisaelen.nl
  8. Ah right, I will make a donation and move to tommy, thanks! Can you please install django-summernote on tommy already? :-)
  9. Internal Error 500 doesn't mean that the host is down, if the host would be down you wouldn't get any message at all :-) if you can't find anything in your errorlog ask a rootadmin here to have a look.
  10. That seems very unlikely to me, you can see the host monitor here: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ Also on discord the bot says it has a 100% uptime. Why do you think so?
  11. Pretty please? =)) Sorry I ment: django-summernote Can't change the title anymore, very sorry (This original request was for Ricky, now I've made a donation and am moved to Tommy) Please install this package on tommy, thank you so much
  12. Thanks Krydos!! Everything is online now :-)
  13. You rock! Unfortunately still have that 500 error. Can you show me that apache errorlog from mod_wsgi again pretty please?
  14. OMG offcourse it's the bloody summernote app! Can I put in a request for this python package? pip install django-summernoteIt's a nice WYSIWYG editor that is in development: https://summernote.org/ thanksss
  15. Hi All! I've used the wiki page to deploy my Django website. However unfortunately I get an error 500. I would love to have a look at the errorlog to get a handle on where to look but I don't know how to access these. Can anyone give me a hint? website: www.borisaelen.nl/borisaelen I've used https://wiki.helionet.org/Django as a reference and used the configs specified there. I only had to modify this line in the .htaccess: RewriteRule ^(.*)$ hello/hello/dispatch.wsgi/$1 [QSA,PT,L] I had to remove 1 time the hello/ because I've deployed my project directely into the public_html directory. (as is suggested in this wiki if I'm correct?) I've also had a look at this config: http://www.heliohost.org/classic/features/languages/python But that results in the same 500 error. I'm sure it's a permission or settings things in my django project but would love to get some more output. Is there amywhere I can look? Thanks! BTW my development environment is my Windows Laptop with: Django 3.0 Python 3.6 Visual Studio Code. I found this article where the line-endings are mentioned: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/38835-python37-throws-500-but-python27-works/ I've tried to save all my files with Linux line endings (\n) and reupload with filezilla. no luck, still error 500.
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