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Posts posted by kyle

  1. have you tried using something else except for Mozilla? I use Internet Explorer 7, did you try asking some people what browser they used, and if they use other browsers except for Mozilla, then you may want to use a different browser.



    yea, i've tried going to the site through Internet Explorer 7 also and it didn't work. and the errorzilla workaround actually didn't help me as much as I thought since I can't seem to upload a test page through cpanel.


    since both browsers seem to not work for my site, can it be that the problem is my computer? maybe my network connection? what kind of tests can i do to figure out where the problem lies?


    i live in a condo where we all share a wireless connection...can it be some kind of DNS problem? again, i am quite a noob at network connections so my questions might sound really dumb...


    i do have a good knowledge of computers in general though...



    It may be that reason, or like lappy512 said, wait 24 hours.

  2. I'm like one of those kids, except i'm not 10. But anyways, I'm 14 and I got my first computer at age 12 and used the internet at 11. So the days before I got my first computer were the best because I didnt have to wear glasses. Plus, the computer makes our boring days funner.

  3. Sorry I forgot about those countries. Well does anyone speak English that is from a country that doesnt speak english, but learned english from moving to a country that speaks English fluently or not?

  4. wow it is very fascinating, reading all these posts and all.


    But anyways, i'm not Christian and I do support Gay Marriage. I dont really how people feel for each other as long as they have someone (boy or girl). So Richard, some of us might not support it, but know that most people do.


    And also, if you dont live in a place that supports Gay Marriage, move!

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