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  1. Hello, my account has been archived, can you re-activate it? username: bucanero server: tommy
  2. thanks for your help, I'm going to check the logs and try to reduce the requests to avoid issues
  3. Hello, my account has been suspended, can this be solved? account information:a. user: bucanerob. server: tommyc. main domain: ebs.com.ar thanks!
  4. oh, my apologies, I should have waited, I had no idea . Sorry for the trouble once again, thank you!
  5. oops, sorry to bother again, I was checking and http://ebs.com.ar is working, but the SSL https://ebs.com.ar gives an error on the certificates I tried running AutoSSL again, but it seems that when I browse the site, I get a cert for: nossl.heliohost.orgwww.nossl.heliohost.orgwebdisk.nossl.heliohost.orgcpanel.nossl.heliohost.orgwebmail.nossl.heliohost.orgmail.nossl.heliohost.org instead of the *.ebs.com.ar certs Maybe there's some delay in the cert process?
  6. Hello wolstech, thanks a lot for your help! everything fixed now
  7. hello, I've recently changed my main domain, using the link at the HelioHost website. ( http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/domain ) The page showed the process was completed ok, but now on my cPanel, when I try to see the zone records for the new main domain "ebs.com.ar", I get an error The domain 'ebs.com.ar' is already delegated to ns1/ns2.heliohost.org My new main domain: ebs.com.arMy username account: bucanero Have I made some setup mistake by changing the main domain? thanks
  8. thank you very much!
  9. Hello, I've made a donation and I'd like to move my account to Tommy Paypal Transaction ID: 22M37566Y15704156 My Heliohost username: bucanero Thanks for your help!
  10. All solved, it was the cache thank you!
  11. Thank you, that fixed my problem! sorry for the trouble
  12. my domain "pkgi.tk" is still reporting as Queued, even after being added 2 days ago it says it's fixed but I'm not sure if I'm having a different problem?
  13. my domain "pkgi.tk" is still reporting as Queued, even after being added 2 days ago it says it's fixed but I'm not sure if I'm having a different problem?
  14. Hello flazepe, I've used that script to change the domain of my account, to "pkgi.tk" yesterday. It showed up on the cPanel, but since yesterday I'm trying to access my site by using http://pkgi.tk and I only get the "Account Queued" screen. How long it will take to show up? is it actually queued or there's another issue with the domain? thanks
  15. how do you define the domain as the main domain?
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