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    Programmation, Gaming, Reading...

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  1. Hello ! It seems like my account was suspended... Username : querby Server : Johnny Domain : squadbot.heliohost.org Is it possible to re-enable it ? I'm not going on it everyday, as I'm using it (for now) as a host for my Discord bot, but I plan to make a website describing it when I'll have some time. Have a nice day !
  2. Many thanks !
  3. Python3 (discord.py doesn't support Python<3.4) Edit : Python version currently running on the server is fine (3.6)
  4. Hello ! I wondered if it was possible to install a Python lib for my project. I want to run a discord bot on my site (and if it works, the site itself will be dedicated to how to install/run/use the bot itself) coded in Python, but I need discord.py lib, as well as its dependancies. https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py Here is the link to the lib github. Note that they don't provide any other install solution than using pip (which would require SSH, and it's not available for me). They also require some packages from repos : Please note that on Linux installing voice you must install the following packages via your favourite package manager (e.g. apt, yum, etc) before running the above commands: libffi-dev (or libffi-devel on some systems) python-dev (e.g. python3.6-dev for Python 3.6)Is it possible to install these ? I'll work later on some scripts to start/stop the bot without using SSH. Thanks in advance, Querby
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