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atdx last won the day on February 27

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  1. thank you 😊
  2. Please add domain "dash.onlinesob.eu.org" to my account "atdx"
  3. It seems that SSL is normal now, thank you very much.
  4. ok, hopefully it will be fixed sooner.
  5. ok thanks for working on it, I'll wait for the next restart is done.
  6. thank you, now it's installed on cpanel, but it still can't be accessed.
  7. Still can't get the SSL, is the cause down yesterday? , so it's autossl error too?
  8. I'm on the Tommy server, it's been 20 hours since my domain was changed, the SSL hasn't been installed. I hope it's not long before I wait.
  9. How long do I have to wait? so I have to delete all certificates that I installed manually?
  10. I installed the SSL certificate on my account atdx.eu.org, but when it is accessed it always points to nossl.heliohost.org, ssl that I tried: - self-signed (I made it myself in capanel, because it wasn't automatically made when my domain was changed)- Cloudflare- Let's Encrypt (specifically Let's Encrypt, when I access https, it always points to http)
  11. changed, thanks for the help.
  12. of course, eu.org requires the validation of nameservers to replace the nameservers, I use hostrydns now in my eu.org domain, to install it on heliohost, my eu.org domain must point to the heliohost nameservers. once I read this forum, am I wrong?
  13. Can you help me change my domain to eu.org, I can't add it via the cpanel addon domain, I have read the forum posts about eu.org, eu.org must be installed into the main domain so that it can be used in heliohost. I can't access http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/domain using cellphone. So can root admin help me? old domain: atdx401.heliohost.org new domain: atdx.eu.org
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