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Everything posted by malliosioannis

  1. Hi .On 24 May i did a donation of 3usd with paypal . transaction is 2U984959WB219980V. Account email: mallios.ioannis[at]gmail.com & account: imallios Could you please update the ETA database and my rank for moving to plesk ? Thanks for all
  2. moved to general support topic
  3. Could you please increase my storage space on tommy to 2 GB? Thanks user : imallios Donation Details Date: 26 October 2018 at 01:25:31 GMT+3 Transaction ID: 0FN08248JL9216118 Purpose: Heliohost Donate Reference: Donation to: Helio Networks Donation from: mallios.ioannis@gmail.com Donation amount: 5,00 USD
  4. everything is ok now thanks
  5. When i try to login i'm getting the message about my account being archived thanks
  6. Thanks but i'm still getting the message about my account being archived, when i click the renew button
  7. please unarchive my account username: imallios Server: Rickly Domain: can't remember also please change my server to Tommy donation transaction id : 0GM67840UD461390T
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