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  1. same problem here, after several hours...
  2. Just ja1r, please... when I created another one it was on another server. tks.
  3. Hello please guys, my account has been suspended. Can i bring it back? login: ja1r server: a couple years before was in tommy, but now ricky or johnny, i guess lifetimecrush.com Thanks.
  4. nice.
  5. Fine, so... i will wait for Morty.. please don't take so long hehe. thanks again for everything!
  6. Thank you for your time; Please let me know... the server Ricky is a option in this scenario? Tommy completelly full is a sad thing... because newest tecnologies stay there I waited the upgrade and dont realized my donation is too old. If i can do another donation...
  7. yesterday i received e-mail (title: are you ready for plesk?) with the botton move my account now. i used this account with python and flask before... i don't know how my account become johnny server.
  8. Thanks for ur time, ID PayPal 5043-9552-2710-4430 07/16/2018 - $2,00 USD E-mail: ja1r[@]icloud.com User: ja1r I guess this account don't have other username... just "ja1r".
  9. Hi! First i like to write thank you for ur services I received this message today "You are currently on the Johnny server, and you can move to Tommy or Ricky. Just open a support ticket and let us know that your username is ja1r, and the hosting plan you would like to change to. Please be aware that switching servers costs $1.00 USD." Before the upgrade my account already being at tommy servers cause i already pay... how i can procede in this time? thank you again.
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