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Everything posted by jacobly

  1. a. jacobly b. johnny.heliohost.org c. jacob.heliohost.org
  2. Username: jacobly Server: johnny.heliohost.org Domain: jacob.heliohost.org
  3. When I logged in to cPanel, I found two php files that looked like http://pastebin.com/Hwqi2ynK. I moved them out of public_html and changed my password. Then when I tried to log back in, I got "This account is currently locked out because a brute force attempt was detected." I can't say for sure that this was the cause, but I have no idea what else could have caused the high server load. In any case, it was probably a good thing that my account was suspended, or I may never have noticed.
  4. Username: jacobly Server: johnny.heliohost.org Domain: jacob.heliohost.org
  5. I was surprised by Windows 7 - it was actually ok. But my favorite is still ubuntu by far.
  6. Yes, thanks so much. P.S. HelioHost is awesome!
  7. Java was enabled for a few days, but it stopped working yesterday, which is why I posted.
  8. I know, I just wanted to make sure someone knew.
  9. Java/JSP seems to be disabled on my account. When I try to load a Java/JSP page, I get a 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable error message. Thanks in advance!
  10. Same here.
  11. It works now! Thank you very much.
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