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Posts posted by openflex

  1. Ah, I can connect now, it looks like you are temporarily not allowed to connect if you try to login more than once, that makes sense.

    I do have a different problem, PyCharm 2022.2.3 crashes with an exception, which I attribute to PyCharm.  To be fair this is a beta feature of PyCharm but it is connecting to the VPS so the problem is not an issue with the VPS.

    I will just develop it locally then copy the files there and run test the Python code over SSH, that's MUCH easier than trying to make PyCharm's Remote Development feature work.

    Thank you!

  2. I was able to login, but when I tried logging in using PyCharm, my connection was denied, including from the terminal after closing all connections to my knowledge.  This is for the "littleflex" account, not for the "openflex" account, as that account is in line with everyone else to get a spot in one of the rebuilt servers.

    It showed in my terminal "Last login: Wed Oct 19 04:07:19 2022 from" , but was my IP address blocked because I tried to login twice?  I want to login to the VPS and try to set up PyCharm to use a remote connection, please advise on what I did wrong and if there is a preferred way to do so, as I was able to connect to the VPS using my "littleflex" account from my phone's mobile connection.

  3. 4 USD isn't bad, and I don't mind waiting as long as it is known that that account did have 2000MB of storage that got queued or inactive, so I'll do that for now, I'm using Google Cloud's trial for now, but it's gonna get used up before the end of the month, I'll get a VPS soon.

    edit: if you don't have anything to ask or need or add, please close topic

  4. I don't know if my account is still queued, but it has been more than a year since I saw this message...is it possible for you to delete the old files for the account?  I have already backed up my data with the data downloader script that ran once when I logged in, but with a different message:

    Login Not Available

    We are in the process of upgrading our servers to use the Plesk control panel right now so you won't be able to log in to existing accounts or create new accounts until this process is done. Our plan is to copy over all users to the new system automatically. During the upgrade process websites won't go inactive or be suspended, and your website will remain online. We're really excited to offer this new control panel. You can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook for the latest news. If you need help with anything don't hesitate to contact support. Thank you for your patience during this upgrade to Plesk.



    I just tried to login, and got this message, but I don't care about the account, only the name for the subdomain, and if the storage space is tied up then do whatever is needed.

    Uh, that being said, please let me know if it's possible to have an account on Tommy with 3000MB, I donated on Paypal: Transaction ID
    85W11772S6435234H.  I need it for Django later, but for MySQL now, but that assumes there is a space for today.

  5. Right after one of the crowdraising campaigns, Tommy was taken down for upgrades and my account was disabled.  My login page says "That account has been backed up and then taken offline due to extended maintenance on the server that you were on."

    It has been more than 3 months, please reenable my account so I can use Heliohost services for my project.

  6. Thank you.



    If you guys did like a Something Awful forums thing where you have to pay if your site gets archived (like the SA ban (I haven't been banned there but it's the same type of thing where that is a significant source of income for the website I think)), I wouldn't be opposed to that... :lol:  

  7. I donated (because otherwise I can't bring myself to ask) to the GoFundMe, please unarchive openflex .  I was using it at the time but my friend insisted we use his hosting service so we did and I forgot to log in and wasn't using it so you know.  However, I have a need for it again and heliohost is more suited to what I want to do for another project than what I can afford right now.

    I don't know if Heliohost admins can see PayPal info because it's through GoFundMe but Paypal Transaction ID is 5UG39310BM860754X.

  8. Are 500 server errors supposed to show something in stats/errlog.html for your website?

    No matter what I do, I can't seem to get anything to show up there.

    Is there an error file I can check to see the errors, or some other way I can see server errors and scripting language, like Python, errors?


  9. It doesn't seem I have mysqlclient, django-appconf, django-cleanup, django-compressor, django-countries, django-crispy-forms, django-ipware, django-rest-framework, django, djangorestframework, social-auth-app-django, social-auth-core, dominate, bleach.


    Can you install these modules for me?

  10. I guess I should be on the Python 3.6, but does Tommy's version of Python change (is it constantly updated), or does it change like once a year?


    I would be fine with Tommy if the features are mostly the same otherwise, I want to add the domain I purchased and I like the features in Cpanel in the Ricky server, do I lose any of those with Tommy or is it just like a more up-to-date version of Ricky (not constantly updated like Johnny)?

  11. I can use Django, but not MySQLdb, in Python (according to running:)

    import pip
    installed_packages = pip.get_installed_distributions()
    installed_packages_list = sorted(["%s==%s" % (i.key, i.version)
    for i in installed_packages])

    I don't know if this requires a server move or if this is just a module that can be installed, so I donated, the Paypal transaction ID is 0J0160627J024013C.

    If it would be easier to move me to Johnny Tommy (I see Johnny is still being rebuilt), that's fine, but my goal is to develop an AJAX website using Flask+MySQLdb and if necessary use Django but I am hoping what I have in mind is possible with Flask.



    Thank you for your time.
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