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Everything posted by kazambie

  1. Well that doesn't seem to be the case. cpanel just dropped a htaccess user.ini and php.ini in my home folder. I edited the php.ini with some setting and voila (safe stuff or already configured items) get changed. But not extensions And when you say "global" you mean all the ones under php.d? Just when did distros start chopping the ini into ini's, it used to be just one long file or is this just a cpanel thing? yes im old and out of date and trying to catch up...
  2. f-n ell just had a power outage here in vegas. Lost what i was saying.... oh.. So i can edit a local php.ini. @ the link, cpanel picks up ea-php56, should be ea-php72 or does this matter considering its in the home folder? Also what directives can be used? i understand that the safe stuff like fileUpload, sessions gc, yata yata... what about extensions? PHP Doc says that there only allowed in php.ini. Am I running sandboxed or shared with virtualhosts? I mean I dont want to crash Tommy or mess someone else up if i screw up in a shared host env. If i add APCu into my php.ini is it going to fix my issue?
  3. Wish i had logged my phpinfo. I had issues like this at godaddy. there system/people would change the php.ini and break things. I got in the habit of diffing my phpinfo to see what they had changed. and get them to fix it.
  4. If you noticed I did say that apc was there and now gone. this was after switching to 7.2
  5. Do we have per user editable php.ini on Tommy? If so where is it? and whats its name?
  6. update: the apcu error is gone. But I'm assuming that's because were not using apcu anymore?
  7. So this may be related to https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/32867-cant-change-php-version-on-tommy/ Im using php 7.2 had no problem with switching in cpanel . did that a week ago when i got upgraded. I also noticed the apcu error.Though the error log popped up in a strange place, in the same folder as the offending script. I took it on faith that this is just how you have it set. Odd but handy in that you have a log where the error happened. I also assumed the apc error had something to do with cpanel editor because my script doesn't use apcu but i was using cpanel to edit said. The questions are.. What happened to apcu? its not showing up in php info anymore. i thought it was great that i would have access to apcu and will definitely use it if available. In MutiPHP Manager i could sworn there was an entry under PHP-FPM. But its showing the nothing/not icon now. Is this right?
  8. CSS gottchas Doh!
  9. a clicking i will go then..
  10. Hers a good start to what you want. if that is to build your own....https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/HTML/Multimedia_and_embedding/Video_and_audio_content if not do a git hub search javascript audio player you'll find a ton of options.
  11. So another related... is you advertizing pay by display, by click, or click thru?
  12. I think you should rename it Kenny...
  13. Whats going on? can you give me a clue?
  14. Gotta get away from google Facebook MSN. Anybody have any options? Sick and tired of tracking, its getting creepy and i feel like I'm being pigeon-holed. I admit that i love google services and the integration (it just works) but the cost is starting to cross that line. I would rather pay and keep my privacy. I'm all droided up and need a fix. I've been trying all sorts of stuff to get away but..... then there's this thing about most of my friends just cant seem to dump FBM or Hangouts. is there and integrated secure person to person communication and data sharing option? Like my own personal portal that follows me device to device. The tech is here is there anybody sticking it together in such a way? isps are going to start shutting down vpns soon just like TOR fuck i hate COX (the name fits)
  15. thanks again
  16. unblock please. cpanel calDav/cardDav giving me fits.
  17. can i pm you..... dumb question Der!
  18. Thanks for the quick reply.. Hell ill send you 20. Whats the option your prefer most considering i don't carry cryto? (transaction fees are a pain. "my opinion").
  19. I see that johnny is down. Whats my solution?
  20. Hello, am i suspend? I don't understand. Did I do something wrong? a. kazambie b. johnny c. kstar.heliohost.org
  21. address guessing because of bad email pass? can you tell me why? thanks
  22. So I'm thinking that I don't advertize. I not going to advertize.(notice the period), But I want to give back to helio in some way. So, what is authorized/suggested, that i may post on my blog to give you guys credit for the awesome service you provide? I want it to be official. Do you have a tag line? What are the rules governing your promotion. BTW.... yes i meant "advertize". I can't stand it. The spelling is meant to denote a dislike for said. your forum search sucks. I keep trying to find answers but presented with garbage that doesn't apply You should think of expanding your faq or wiki. I would be glad to help with the last one.
  23. OK Thanks That request will be coming soon.
  24. How does one get upgraded to the most recent version of php or close 7 up? Just thought if im going to code a new site from scratch dont really want to be stuck with 5.6.
  25. Thanks for the quick and detailed reply Ill try the suggestions.
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