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Posts posted by cridus

  1. Shoot, I've looked up how to migrate to Tomcat 10 but I need a new version of my framework which will come in 2022... I'm screwed.

    Tomcat 10 switches from javax libraries to jakarta ones. It breaks the compatibility with frameworks that still use javax ones.
    I've read that Tomcat 9 is feature-equivalent to v10. @Krydos Do you specifically need to upgrade to v10?


    It is generally understood that the Eclipse-Foundation-enforced namespace switch in Jakarta EE 9 is a huge breaking change that will take years for the ecosystem to broadly adopt. That's exactly why many product providers chose to release two versions in parallel, e.g. Tomcat 9 vs 10, Jetty 10 vs 11, and also Hibernate Validator 6.2 vs 7. Each respective pair of releases is largely feature-equivalent, just differing in the package namespace that those releases work with.


  2. Hello, I'm on Tommy and my java application won't deploy because it fails to connect to the MySQL database on startup.

    By looking up the error that I have in the logs, it seems related to the TLS implementation used by the client.

    Have you guys updated Java recently, by chance? Maybe now I need to update it too and re-build my app.


    Here's the error:

    Caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: No appropriate protocol (protocol is disabled or cipher suites are inappropriate)
    And here's a StackOverflow question about it: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38205947/sslhandshakeexception-no-appropriate-protocol
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