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Everything posted by Desugrace

  1. I admit you do have a lot of features other free hosts don't have. I didn't read the forum post where you asked that question as I have other priorities( I know you guys do too). I was having a bad day , and I would normally expect an email explaining why I was banned or suspended , which I did not receive. Yea , I know I should not expect greatness out of a free service. I will still not continue using your hosting , as I am not one to say bad things , and continue using a free service. Good day to you.
  2. Account suspended and all I ever did was use the host to try out CPAlead(recently got accepted) never even advertised any content or anything. Pure javascript and and image =/. Just wanted to let you know what I thought. Goodbye, thanks for wasting my time.
  3. Thanks , I can't believe I forgot I used that username. Obviously won't get the password reset if username was wrong =/.
  4. Too bad , mine is up.
  5. Sorry for the late reply desugrace , desugrace.co.cc
  6. I have tried to password reset but I don't receive any email. =/.
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