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Everything posted by dressdoc

  1. I created email account in cpanel, i added this email account in gmail android app using IMAP. Like my sync is always on for receiving emails, but as i said its working fine till march first week but nowadays i didn't receive mails. I have to personally refresh the account to see the mails. Yes you can delete the account. I already backed up all the stuff.
  2. wolstech can you do a favour for me, can you reset my whole account for me. I want to setup it from fresh and might it will resolve syncing problem. I will try some other method and i am really thankful to you guys always and i appreciate your work. Sorry, i got frustated because sync is also not working.
  3. Anybody Help?? Daily i am logged in to helionet and waiting for someone to solve my problem from last two days. If you can not help me about this concern just tell me straight away.
  4. yes @krydos, the problem is still there. Yesterday i waited for approx 8 hours for someone to reply. All mails i am sending using mail() function are going to spam . I tried every possible method but nothing works. I did some experiments and out of which some works or some not. First of all using phpmailer using smtp gmail recognise my email sometimes but sometimes its going to spam and outlook is blocking those emails. Secondly i tried using webmail provided by heliohost. I logged into webmail and try to send the email and gmail recognizes my email but outlook is still blocking. So i researched this problem over the internet and i got to know there is a link where blocked hosting providers have to fill the form for getting unblocked from the microsoft. But mail() function still not works, don't know why because mails are going from same server. Apart from this problem i am also facing mail sync problem on my mobile device. I am using IMAP for connecting to my email accounts on heliohost using google and outlook app but i am not getting any notification about email received. I have to manually login to webmail and check my emails. Please tell me is its a server / coding / account setting fault because everything works fine till first week of march.
  5. I really appreciate heliohost for providing such a great support. You guzs are awesome and solved all my problem i ever posted. But this time yes, i am really frustated. I tried phpmailer and also third party mail service providers.None of them work for me. Is the fault is from server side or the mail service providers like gmail. Apart from this, i have mail accounts on heliohost and i am using those accounts throug mobile using outlook and gmail. I am facing delays in syncing email. Can i backup mail data?? Please help me to solve this syncing problem.
  6. Thanks mrj for your suggestion but unfortunately all mail are marked as spam by google and outlook has blocked all email coming from heliohost. Don't know what to do now.
  7. You can see the results https://imgur.com/a/bVewS I highlighted the cause. Script is same but the output is different and one more thing i can understand that gmail for privacy can show the original sender but i am confused the mail i am sending to same server also shows dressdoc@tommy.heliohost.org
  8. i tried and its working fine on your website. Okay i will tell you with some screenshots but there is no option for attaching images. With images i can show you what are my inputs and what i am getting output one week before and now.
  9. Thanks for your reply wolstech. I will explain the problem to you. I have a form on my website and when user inputs and hit the submit button, at the back end side it generated two emails, one for me and another one for the user who submits the form. Till last week its working as expected as i am using customer header email for sending emails and even mails are recognized by top email providers like gmail, hotmail and yahoo. But from last week all the emails are coming from dressdoc@tommy.heliohost.org rather than my custom header email and all my email of the users are going to their spam folders. My users reported this issue with me and i checked the script and no error is there. I tested it on google and hotmail and unfortunately all emails are going to spam folder which is not the case one week before. Although i understand what you are saying but if tell me any alternate to this i will be very thankful to you as its a trouble for my users.
  10. anybody help me??? If you dont got the problem i will explain it in brief
  11. i am using php mail() function for sending email. What i am doing, when someone submit form to my website, i am generating an email using php mail function. I am receiving mail form email specified mail() function header. But from this week when i receive email it come from tommy.heliohost.org.
  12. Thank you, my site is again live now. Can you tell me, why this problem happened??
  13. My website is down from a day. Please review it and fix it. username: dressdoc2 website: www.dressdoc.com
  14. but i can not host my domain as it shows it is not available. Please fix it
  15. Recieved tommy invitation link. Thank you. If you have any issues i can send you all the transaction details on your email.
  16. Sir, i am from india and i only have debid card with me and which is not accepted for making donation to heliohost as credit card is required. So, i used my friend's credit card and paypal account to do the payment. I have all the details of the transactions made and i can also tell you from which account or card you received the payment. My email address is admin@shivanshugupta.eu.org
  17. Tell me on which email i have to sent
  18. I want to delete any previous account with username dressdoc and it was on ricky server. I want to create a new account on tommy server. Its your wish wether you can create account for me or send me the link to create an account.
  19. Please do it, i am unable to do it because i am encountering login error
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