I tried creating an addon domain but it didn't work, so djbob, can you help me?
Username: sprogram
Site: smart-programs.co.cc
Addon: ares-clan.tk
EDIT: The error says "Error from park wrapper: ares-clan.tk is already configured. "
Ahh, alrights. I tried registering an addon domain to my account: sprogram but it came up with an error.
Can you please help me add a sub-domain? Thank you.
Username: sprogram
Site: smart-programs.co.cc
Addon: ares-clan.tk
Thank you, or do I have to PM this to djbob?
I checked my e-mail and this is what I got:
I tried re-registering and it popped up with an error: We're sorry, but an error was encountered during signup. Please try again later.
I'll try again later . Thank you, again.
Alrights, It has been 24 hours since I started this thread and when I still can't log in and my site still states that it has been queued. Should I try and recreate an account or wait again?
Thank you.
Thank you for your reply. I shall wait for anoyher 24 hours before bumping this thread again although you should know that it has already been more than 24 hours since I registered
Just yesterday I registered in this site with the username aresclan. 24 hours has passed and I still couldn't log in. I have tried resetting my password but it doesn't send me that activation code and also tried creating another account but it says that that username has already been taken although I got the e-mail stating that I registered with that username and password.
Any help given will be appreciated. Thank you