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Everything posted by aamsur

  1. It's about 7 years i have been with Heliohost. Now stevie was lost, can i get invited to Tommy specifically ? Thank you for your understanding.
  2. Done. Tq
  3. It's about 24 hours, and still queued.
  4. Oke done, and why my page showing Account Queued now?
  5. user : a****** server : stevie domain : po*****a.com I can't add new domain, i see a message : Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ips.remotedns and make the proper A entries on that remote nameserver. Please help me.
  6. oh God, 2015. Thank you so much, you save my ass. never disappointed have long believed HELIOHOST!
  7. aamsuer_blogsoe,aamsuer_sarkes, etc Fyi, all of my databases are gone.
  8. Account name: aamsuer Server name: stevie I have some mysql databases, i can see here ../frontend/x3/sql/index.html but it doesn't appear in phpmyadmin. please recover my databases, thank you.
  9. username : aamsuer server : stevie main domain : aamsuer.heliohost.org why my account suspended? i cant login into cpanel? please reactive/unsuspend my account, i wanna get back all of my data. please the data is very important :(/&--#62;/&--#62; __________________________________ - UPDATE - whoaahhh, what happen with stevie? now, i can see my website running normal, and i can login to cpanel. thank you.
  10. I have an acount on stevie (acount name: aamsuer) and i forgot my password to log in to my cPanel so i did the reset password thing and got an e-mail followed the steps and rested my pasword and i didnt receive the code for reset. help
  12. yes, thanks a lot. SOLVED. :-*
  13. thanks byron, very usefull.
  14. im getting this when deleting a subdomain. ------------------------------------- Subdomain Removal There was a problem removing the subdomain nadhifatrivan.softskill.tk Show Details Error from domain wrapper: ← Go Back ------------------------------------- username = aamsur2 default domain = aamsur2.heliohost.org subdomain which cannot be deleted : -nadhifatrivan.softskill.tk -nadhifatrivan.aamsur2.heliohost.org -nadhifatrivand.aamsur2.heliohost.org please delete all of domain above, thanks. regards, Aamsur2.
  15. -deleted for privacy-
  16. i usually makes backup from wizard, i think the extention is *.tar.gz i created a few months ago. i wanna get my site before !!!! i was never doing something wrong, wasn't ?. You should change your system. I am older than ===>> rafhanwe . why my account removed ???? :angry: :angry: He should not be allowed to register because of the same ip-address as mine. hiks hiks
  17. fast response please...
  18. yes i absolutely know it. i use my personal internet connection when signup. i created a new account in my house. hmmm. probably due to ip-dynamic ? because, my ip is dynamic. btw, i just created new account again. how to restore my backup ? oh GOD, i have to start again from zero
  19. There is now an account in the database for Johnny with the same IP address as yours. Look: Username: rafhanwe Domain: www.rafhan*****.co.cc Server: Johnny Suree ???? trust me, i just sign up once, it must be a mistake. if there is same another ip-address(another person) as mine, it's definitely not me. you have to check this porblem. trust me !!!!!!! == sorry for bad spelling==
  20. hey, why i wasn't got suspended before ? i just login directly to ==>> https://softskill.tk:2083
  21. hey, why i wasn't got suspended before ? i think i always login in to cpanel every 30 days. can i get my site-backup ?
  22. Username = aamsur2 server = stevie domain = softskill.tk
  23. okay sir, all done. everything is okay. thanks for your support.
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