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Everything posted by v0i

  1. thank you so much!!!!
  2. Register but no sign of the account being processed... did nor recieve any mail or anything.... my account info...(tried to register with) domain: vigilantes.co.cc user name: vigilo thank you
  3. ok it's been about 6 hours since last try and finally I can login to control panel and ftp, the -HelioHost Account Queued- page is browsed though...
  4. over 78 hrs now..and still wating...
  5. after 48 hrs since my last try to signup (7th) I can not login to my account or browse the site.... I have not recieved any -account error‏- email either... I think I just have to wait.....and see what happens... I post this because I have seen others with the same problem maybe this can help them.........
  6. no sir, I have not received anything...
  7. at this point I have try to signup again with the user name -vigila- but did not get the installation email.....and....wating... thank you
  8. ok.... now what? this is last installation error email Dear vigilan, Your hosting account at HelioHost has encountered an error during installation.The error is: Please visit http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/signup.php and try to signup again. Regards,HelioHost Staff -PS- there is no error description
  9. am I doing something wrong??? now I got this mail: Sorry, the home directory for this user ( /home/vigilan ) already exists. Please move or delete it and try again or use the force option if available. thank you, guys
  10. ok I tryed to singup but I got this email what am I doing wrong? email content: Your hosting account at HelioHost has encountered an error during installation. The error is: Could not allocate a user id. Please remove /var/cpanel/usedids.* if you are sure it is safe to reallocate uids. Please visit http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/signup.php and try to signup again.
  11. I would like my account to be deleted if is not much trouble to you... my reasons? apparently, I did something wrong with my account and my co.cc domain, i just can not set them up....so I would like a fresh start... account user name: v0izq domain: vigilantes.heliohost.org thank you
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