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  1. gma


    @awesomejoe: Im sure it wont be a problem getting more than 3/4 of the entire school to skip on that day...
  2. I gave a review as "Alert" Congrats for getting it on there! I found some hosts on there myself, so this should help out a lot. Edit: It just went up to almost the top of the list
  3. vista has nice things too it, but it is kinda unstable (as usual new products from Microsoft are). Best wait a while until using it. I also heard, like you guys said, that it is better for business than gaming.
  4. Xbox 360 is the best. The reason being is because it is cheaper than the PS3, and is almost just as good as it minus the backward combatability. I thought the wii would be pretty good, but it really is just alright. It is a lot cheaper though. The problem is, everything on the wii is more efficient using on a computer instead. Especially the photos, messages, and internet. The only thing it is really good for is the games, which I think are more fun with a controller than a remote personally. Yes, some games are kinda fun with the sensor, but otherwise the sensor will be like a button instead of full control of the object. Btw, I wanted to vote, but I accidentally clicked null vote >_>
  5. I think that's a good idea. Guests posting links is probably not a good thing.
  6. gma

    $100 Accumulated!

    What the hell is necromancing? And thanks a lot for fining me. I don't find anything wrong with my post.
  7. old
  8. pelmet spiraea fledgeling diuresis lebensraum! Heliohost motivates the alarm. The liberal disguise dodges outside the offset. The highway redirects Heliohost. The buss sweeps with the pupil!
  9. 1542, but my post number is 1048... ? 1543... The second time the number was set off was here: 20 off... he is pretty bad at this game And then somehow he reached 1337 500 posts too early... Even worse at thise game
  10. One problem, I don't have that stuff, except for the movie editing.
  11. gma

    $100 Accumulated!

    I think he ment that he hates when people say that, but i'm actually not sure. Posting clearly is a good thing to do as well, KDH.
  12. So... you called this kid stefan? what was he named?
  13. Well, my friend has a 98 and he usually downloads dlls to use some programs he has. I don't know what it would need to run the fingerprint reader, but you may want to search google or something on the requirements or what you can do to run it on that OS. Just some suggestions
  14. I like pokemon!!! ...7 years ago.
  15. gma

    More members

    Oh noes! I smell referal helions! Is it a good idea to have referal helions? Oh, also, I was wondering if you even get money from those ads above the forum display. I never click them, but yea.
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